That's What Friends Are For

I couldn't resist posting the video of the cute turtle and puppy. I totally identify some days with Hope the dog and other days, Carl, the turtle.

There are those days, (like today) where I felt melancholy and like I could cry over a squished loaf of bread. In that case, I could be Hope in a heartbeat, needing a lift or a ride. Those are those times when I'm grateful for friends to carry me through or maybe not necessarily carry me but to hold my hand and not let go.

Then, there are those days when I just know that someone needs me to be Carl the turtle. Sometimes, although not asked, I know that I am needed to lift up or encourage. Those are the days when even though I am slow, like Carl, I'm able and ready.

Which one do you identify with the most? Carl the turtle or Hope the dog?


Mari said…
That is so funny! Like you, I have moments of being both of them.
too funny....lately I'm moving as slow as a turtle!
I'm slow like the turtle; I like to ride like the dog. I'm helpful like the turtle. I can be lazy like the dog.

I think I'm shaped more like the turtle!
Andrea said…
Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.
Buckeroomama said…
Oh, wow, that was just too cute! :)
Anonymous said…
Can't see it at work but I'm sure it's cute.

I definately have moments of being both!
Ina in Alaska said…
It is funny you should post about this because you helped cheer up some broken hearts with your comment over on my blog about Jake's passing. Your words were so kind and reassuring and my friend Elizabeth and I thank you so much for caring.

The blog world is full of kind people like you. Thank you.

Most of the time I'm a Carl tryin' to lift others up and lessen their load but every once in a while I have a moment or day I need a hand up. I count on my christian friends for that.

God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!!!!
Stacy said…
That is so cute. I wonder if Carl actually likes it? How do you know when a turtle is enjoying something?

Anyway...I tend to keep my own feelings and needs to myself and not let others help me out too often. I'd rather be the one helping them.
Anonymous said…
Well who knew a turtle was so strong. This is hilarious.
Liz Mays said…
I think I'm a mix like you are. And boy, is that cute!
Unknown said…
I love how you took that video and made complete since out of it.
Diva's Thoughts said…
Drats!! My job blocked the video so I will watch when I get home and let you know then.
Sweet Tea said…
Everybody needs a free ride sometimes! *smile
Andrea said…
Thanks for leaving a sweet comment on All Gods Creatures! We are privileged to pray for Sam. Please keep us posted.
Woofs and Wags,
Sitka (and MOM).
Heart2Heart said…
Oh I can so relate to being Carl the Turtle most days, but mostly it's my own fault. Love this and thanks so much for sharing.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Veronica Lee said…
I'm a turtle to some friends and a dog to others! But most of the time, I'm the turtle.

Love the video, Simone. Thanks for sharing this.
Syrone said…
That's so cute! Obviously, the dog is fine with the slow paced turtle. That's a true bud for you!
XmasDolly said…
I think Hope. Just going along for the ride! Please stop at my blog I have a few things for you.
Sweet Tea said…
Thanks so much for stopping by my daughter's blog yesterday and encouraging her - she was so blue. I talked with her last night and she was thrilled by the comments she rec'd. Things were looking up as Gracie's best friend, Liz, got to come to the party AND spend the night. Gracie was thrilled!
Unknown said…
I have days like that so frequently... it isn't even funny! : (

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