Unlikely Friendships

Before I go any further, I have to beg, no that's a bit harsh...ummm...ask, implore, cajole, seek to turn your attentions to....my twin sister's new blog. She has only one follower and that follower is me. I don't want the dust to start collecting on her blog so can you pretty please visit her blog? Go here:

Have you ever found a friend in someone that you'd never consider a likely friend? When I was young, although I was born in Los Angeles, my family moved away to a small town, when I was three. We did attend church in L.A. though. There we (my twin sis and I) met an unlikely friend. She was one of 11 kids. Her father was a scary guy because he was strict and didn't take any nonsense from the kids. Her mom was just as sweet and non-stressed even with that many kids. Yet, my friend was more or less a bully and wasn't exactly the sweetest girl to hang with. She told lies and was mean to her siblings. She often shined me and my twin sis on when we were there, yet, we became friends.

Through her, we learned what not to do. She cursed and lied and got into trouble. We chose not to even dare try to smart mouth our parents. She ran from doing her chores; we welcomed the opportunity to look after her many siblings AND to cook and clean for all of them.

She grew up fast, not wanting to play with dolls. We decided that playing with dolls was nothing to be ashamed of and we didn't let her opinions change us a single bit.

She made fun of us for the way we talked. She would say, "You talk so proper." Yet, we grew up learning to embrace the way we talked without apologies.

We lost touch as years went by. I often wonder how my twin sis and I could hang with someone so totally opposite from the way we both were...and the answer is quite simple, we had plenty to learn!

Even now, there are plenty of challenges with Boo and I. But along the way, I've learned to appreciate the differences and they've blended into something very beautiful. I STILL have plenty to learn. How about you? Do you have unlikely friends?


Vegas Linda Lou said…
I, too, have PLENTY to learn!

Unlikely friends? Yep. I'm a 52-year-old aging nymph and one of my very best friends on earth is my 25-year-old male co-worker. We laugh together like there's no tomorrow, each of us fueling the other's jokes. Sometimes I wonder why on earth a young guy would have a BFF his mother's age, but we have a blast! I'm going to miss him terribly when I head back east in a couple of weeks.
Liz Mays said…
My kids would tell you that yes, I do have unlikely friends. I don't see it until they point out the quirkiness of it. They're so right. I tend to have the goofiest friends!
Mari said…
I do have some unlikely friends - usually people I work with that I would never have gotten to know in another way.
I'm off to visit your sis!
Unknown said…
Hubs and I are really different. Sometimes I wonder how we have been together for 11 years. But being his opposite has taught me a lot.
Saranne said…
My best friend is the polar opposite of me....who'd have thought it? Still going strong after 20+ years...and we learn from each other all the time! Heading over to your sis's blog! OXOX
Saranne said…
My best friend is the polar opposite of me....who'd have thought it? Still going strong after 20+ years...and we learn from each other all the time! Heading over to your sis's blog! OXOX
Andrea said…
I have lots of "unlikely" friends and they continue to teach me so very much. I am clearly a work in progress.
Anonymous said…
I have a few unlikely friends. My BFF are complete opposites. And, through blogging, I've "met" and become friends with many that I otherwise would not have the opportunity to get to know.
I have had some usually a odd circumstance bringing us together.
Veronica Lee said…
Many! Some are ex-colleagues, former neighbours and current neighbours.

People that I never thought I would befriend at first sight.
Helene said…
Sounds like you learned a lot about what NOT to do and how NOT to treat friends. You kinda gotta wonder what ever happened to her!!
Sometimes the 'unlikely' friends end up bein' the best friends. Ya just never know.

Have a super day sweetie!!!
BTW: You sis is my next stop!
Hope you are having a great day!
Unknown said…
I checked out your twin's blog and I am so glad I did! I love her online magazine and have been there several times!

I love when God throws me together with an unlikely friend and they totally bless my socks off!!!
I'm impressed with your profile. Just went over and visited with your sister. It must be very interesting being a twin. I don't remember but I do know that the rich kids in Riverside, IL that I hung with in HS did drugs all the time but I never did. I am sure God knew what he was doing when he placed that unlikely friend in your lives. Also you were lucky to have someone to stand up with, it is easy to get drawn into the evil one when it's one on one!
Stacy said…
I have one friend in particular that leaves EVERYONE who meets her shaking their heads. I don't have any illusions about who and what she is, but I've learned to take the rough parts with a grain of salt (okay, a whole salt mine) and accept her for the good things she does bring.
Unknown said…
This was such a good post. I do have some people that I am with often that are very different than me. Very, very different!

You should see if she is on facebook. I bet she would love to see you!

Will go and visit your sister at once.
Ina in Alaska said…
I think life throws many unlikely friends at you. I have learned to be patient and stay out of the drama. My best friend is a complete designer fashionista and I am very simple and frugal! We are quite opposite. She shops high end and I shop second hand. But we travel well together and laugh all the time. She knows all the bad stuff that has happened to me too and has helped me through it. xoxo
Buckeroomama said…
I think we all need some unlikely friends in our lives, else life would be a bit too humdrum. :)
Anonymous said…
I have some unlikely friends who have turned into some of my bestest friends. It's funny how that works!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Thanks for the link to your Twin's blog :-)
I'm follower #15.

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