Things I've Learned Thursday
I may be down but I'm definitely not out and in fact, I'm looking forward to when I feel ready to blog about all that is going on in my life at the moment. In the are the Things I've Learned... 1) Single Boo uses the word "epic" quite a bit. For that reason, I discovered that she has rubbed off on me and I use the word "random" quite a bit. Don't know why I chose the word "random" but it seemed to fit. 2) Chocolate covered animal cookies are yummy but not when they melt in one big glob. I feel like I'm biting into a chocolate covered zoo in the form of a ball. 3) Courage comes in many forms. I've been smelling a lot of courage lately! 4) It's okay to cry over a material thing as it's leaving. Good bye my beautiful piano. Enjoy your new family. They are going to love you! 5) I was talking to a lady from Sweden yesterday and it was so sweet to hear her say, "Yah?" after all of her questions. I didn...