He's 100 So He Can Hang Up On Me If He Wants To

You got it; Grandpa hung up on me, "again". I said, "Happy Birthday Grandpa, this is your granddaughter, Chanice.....he paused and the slammed the phone down. I wasn't too surprised since if you have been following me, you may recall that he has had a track record with doing that.

This time, though, I thought about it and came to the conclusion that if I was 100 and probably getting tons of telephone calls and wanting to watch sports instead, I think I'd hang up too! In fact, if I make it to 100, then I sure my kids and grandkids let me run butt naked in the street if I want to or go to an all you can eat buffet or go and sing karaoke or even to Disneyland because it's MY day. Also, I would pray that I had all my teeth still because you'd bet I'd want the biggest cheesecake ever!

If I was 100, I'd probably invite everyone I know to a big birthday bash. Of course, you all would be there too! If I chose to dance on the tables, I hope you'd all join in and dance too.

Well, I know he won't read this because he has no idea what a computer is, let alone, Facebook, email and surfing the 'net...but I hope he does have a great birthday! Maybe I need to plan a road trip to OK really soon to visit with him (even though he won't know me.)

Happy 100th birthday, Grandpa!


Brian Miller said…
smiles. hope you make that 100 yourself...cause that sounds like some party...lol. happy birthday to grandpa
Deidra said…
happy birthday to your grandpa! yes! i will gladly dance on the tables with you! can't wait!
Mari said…
That is funny! Happy birthday to your Grandpa!
Sweet Tea said…
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
(and the good news is - I think we could still eat cheesecake EVEN IF WE HAD NO TEETH!!!)
Elle Bee said…
Hahha! That's funny. Yes, when you're 100 you can pretty much do whatever suits your fancy!
Ash said…
wow 100!! well done to grandpa and also a happy birthday to him! :D

~ash's mum
p.s. i'm sure you will be glad to see him even if he doesn't remember.
Stacy said…
I'm with you....here's to be spunky at 100!

And a very happy birthday to Grandpa!
Terra said…
Your plans for a 100 year party are great. Why wait for that cheesecake? You handled the hang up well and as you say, at 100 he has earned the right to do what he wants.
Kasie said…
wow. 100. that's awesome!
Veronica Lee said…
LOL! Happy Birthday to your grandpa!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Happy 100th Birthday to your grandfather! I hope he had a wonderful and special day.

I hope we both make it to 100 to share come cheesecake with each other!!!

Buckeroomama said…
Happy birthday to your grandpa. Having reached 100, he has certainly earned the prerogative to do whatever he wants to do. :)
Liz Mays said…
That absolutely CRACKS ME UP!
Mandy said…
You should at least post a pic of this 100 year old firecracker so we can "see" him. He sounds like quite the character! Happy birthday to him! And YES, you should make a trip to OK to see him. What are you waiting for? You and your daughter jump in that car and head east! :-) Then come by Florida too.
Kwana said…
Fab! Happy 100th to your Grandpa!!!
100, how awesome. Hope you had a great birthday.
Happy birthday to 'Grandpa'. Hopefully long life is in the genes. I want to come to your 100th...sounds like a blast but heck, let's see....I'd have to live to be one hundred and.....{{{SIGH}}}!

Let me tell ya, I got a hoot out of this post!

Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day from the very steamy Ozark hills!
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha! Love it! Happy birthday Grandpa!
Covnitkepr1 said…
My mom got that way about hanging up on peopl...come to find out, she was hard of hearing.lol
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great post! happy bday to your G'pa!
Anita said…
Hmmm...running butt naked...let me think...will I want to do that at 100? Time will tell, because I plan to make it to that milestone. :)

Will you join me? :)
Oh my...that is funny that he hangs up on my, my grandmother (97) hangs up when she is thru talking even if you are in mid sentence.
Mom et al said…
That's awesome. Happy Birthday to your grandpa! In my Italian family we have a saying when we toast: Cent'anni!

It's a short way of saying "May you live 100 years", which I wish for you as well! :)
Anonymous said…
Ah happy 100th birthday to your grandpa! So cool!!!! I'd be dancing with you!
Bossy Betty said…
Awwww..Happy Birthday to your grandfather!!
Happy Birthday Grandpa...WOW

Have a few hours to blog hop....Love nights like this.......Hope you will stop by....new giveaway on my holiday blog...A BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA!

Vegas Linda Lou said…
Wow--that's a pretty good gene pool you come from! We should all be so lucky.

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