Finding the Spark Again

I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I've written not only poetry but also some songs with my ex (before he was my ex)...some have been published and others still sit, waiting for an opportunity to be uncovered. Some may never be uncovered.

I realized that I have put some things on a shelf that had value to me. One of those things is my passion for writing not only stories but songs and poetry. I am finding the spark again. I feel it slowly igniting once more and there's the excitement coming right along with it.

Years ago, 1987 to be exact, I wrote this one...

Meant To Be

You're everything I've always wanted,
my every dream come true
you've brought about the magic
in the love I have for you.

You're my sweet and smelling aroma
like the fresh breath of spring
you're my strong, harmonious music note,
in every song I sing.

You're my hope and inspiration,
and so much more to me
I've come to this conclusion,
that we were meant to be.

You've brought out the many qualities
that were hidden for so long,
you showed me the right way to love you
when I would do it wrong.

Your warmth, your hugs, your kisses
are felt down deep inside;
it's a special kind of feeling,
one that's hard to hide.

God made us oh so perfect,
the perfect matching pair,
to share our lives forever,
with our special love so rare.

I'll do my best to love you,
as it were meant to be,
hand in hand, side by side,
for always, eternity.

© 2010 Lilpooba Productions


Heartfelt and so well written~
so full of love.
You're a talented writed. I wish we lived closer together....we would be very good friends.
Mari said…
You are really talented!
Buckeroomama said…
You are so talented, Simone... but best of all, I love how you are able to see beauty everywhere...and I think that contributes much to all the things that you "create." =)
Brian Miller said…
fabulous...its got a great cadence to the words...easy on the tongue...and about my fav smiles.
Mandy said…
Breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you for sharing that with us! I am glad you are feeling that spark again with your writing. You're great at it and should continue it. Maybe you and Single Boo can write some new songs together....
Stacy said…
I love it! There is such a smoothness to the wording. You're very good. :)
Exceptional my friend. I'm so happy your gettin' that 'spark' back. Push froward girl and great thing are bound to happen!!! You ARE on talented little lady!!!

God bless ya and have a bright and shinny day "Sparky"!!! Heeeehehehe
Deidra said…
Now you need to video yourself singing that song and post it here! I'd love to hear the music with the words.

Reminds me of Peaches and Herb. Remember them? Good times!
Heart2Heart said…
What a great poem to share with someone you love.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Liz Mays said…
Your words clearly came from the depths of your heart and it's just so beautiful!
Sweet Tea said…
What a great love song. Loved reading it. . .I used to write songs to - but only the lyrics. Wish I could have done music too, but I just didn't have it in me. Some have been recorded but not by anyone very famous. Remember LuLu Roman Smith, the BIG lady on Hee Haw, she recorded one of my songs. I never write lyrics anymore. . .Glad that you're getting the "spark" to do-it-again. Gooooo Girl!!
Helene said…
You are brilliant and soooo talented!!! I loved it...I felt myself smiling as I read it!!!

I'm glad your writing spark has been reignited again!!!
Veronica Lee said…
That was beautiful, Simone! You're one multi-talented lady!

Have a nice day!

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