The Four Sisters

When I was a kid, my grandmother, being the social butterfly she was (hitchhiking with strangers to share the Gospel) met four sisters who held church in their home. What was intriguing about the four is that none of them had ever married. They actually had a baby sister who had married and divorced and a brother who had also married.

They all played a role in their "house church". One of them played the drums. (Imagine a lady in her 50's behind a set of drums). Another played a keyboard while another sang. One of them was the "pastor". Their church was open to anyone in the neighborhood that wanted to worship. There was a couch and folding chairs (if there were more than 5 people there.) My grandmother was faithful to attend and when one of us was too sick to go to church with my parents or we just didn't get up in time, that's where we the church of the four sisters.

They also had vacation Bible school at their house. The ladies weren't wealthy but reached out to the neighborhood kids with lessons and crafts and a snack of usually graham crackers and punch.

There was no such thing as being embarrassed while attending their church. They gushed over us like we were the greatest things, like we were celebrities. In fact, I remember feeling like none of them had ever raised their voices in their lives. Even some of the most unruly kids were respectful and well behaved.

Sadly, one by one, the sisters passed away. Two ended up in the same nursing home. One was stricken with Alzheimer's and didn't recognize her sister when she visited her room.

I think back to how their small ministry reached out to kids who may never have heard about God. They reached out in love and patience and kindness. I know for a fact that one of those that were a part of their VBS is now an NBA star. I wonder if he remembers them or thinks about them?


What a sweet story and a beautiful memory.
Ash said…
death is always sad but the beautiful memories they leave behind are the ones to cherish.
Mari said…
They sounds like pretty special ladies. I bet they touched a lot of lives and I bet that NBA player thinks of them from time to time.
Wonderful story, wonderful legacy.
Liz Mays said…
I'd like to think he does. :)
Brian Miller said…
i imagine he never know how you affect the lives of others with our little touches...
Deidra said…
Reminds me of The Secret Life of Bees. Beautiful and rich. A legacy.
Mandy said…
What a lovely story. Thanks for sharing that with us.

I struggle so much with my beliefs or lack-there-of. I have got to do something about that! I've been wondering lately if I should look into something like that - a "house church". I get so overwhelmed with those huge congregations and churches that look more like a college campus than a place of worship. Perhaps this should be a challenge of mine, even if it's a private one that lasts the rest of my life? Hmmm.....
Lin said…
Sweet memory, Simone. :)
Unknown said…
What a wonderful legacy. To make children feel as they are the most wonderful beings in the world-that is what I wish to do also. Just beautiful.
Buckeroomama said…
What special ladies. I'm sure all who've met them are blessed by just having been touched by their generous spirit. :)
XmasDolly said…
What a beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm the guest host from Follow me Back Tuesday just returning your visit. Sure hope you checked out my give-aways too! THANKS! Now I must go browse a bit, and keep hopping! Have a great day! Thanks again!
I can really identify with your story of that dear lady. I'm that wild and crazy Kid's Church leader and S.S. teacher. I'll do whatever it takes to keep their attention and drive that lesson home.

I'm sure the player remembers how she touched his life. I get young adults all the time stop me on the street and tell me what a difference I'm made in their lives. I also get calls of former students who may want advice in their marriage or on raisin' children who never forgot how much this crazy woman cared about them.

God bless ya and you have a terrific week sweetie!!!
Unknown said…
Oh I agree wonderful story and a great memory you have to treasure!
Relyn Lawson said…
I don't know if Mr. NBA does, but I doubt I'll ever forget them. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful story.
Anita said…
My first thought was "The Secret Life of Bees." I listened to it on tape, and thought that it was one of the most beautifully written books I've read/listened to.

The ladies in the book are different from yours, but the bonds of sisterhood are the same.
Veronica Lee said…
Thanks for sharing this sweet story.
I'd like to think he does.

Have a nice day, Simone!

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