You Can Do It!

I hang my head in admitting that I've had this book for two years and have yet to earn any merit badges. Why? Well, excuses and stuff got in the way. More excuses than stuff. But, I'm ready to put this book to use.
It's over 500 pages of challenges for us grown up girls who need to break free and find imagination, creativity, courage and dreams once again. Each challenge comes with wonderful quotes, ideas and your very own mentor. Your mentor makes suggestions on completing the challenging. There's even extra credit points.
My very first challenge is to Dare To Dream.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "The future belongs to those who believe in the Beauty of their dreams." I couldn't have said it better.
To begin dreaming, we have to learn to entertain the possibilities. That means never say never.
Jumpstart your dreams by answering one of the following:
1) What have been the proudest moments of your life?
2) What would you do if you won the lottery and money were no object?
3) What are the roads you didn't take because at the time they seemed wrong to you, unfamiliar, too rocky, or just less traveled?
4) What did you daydream about as a kid?
5) What childhood pursuits or pastimes would you like to pick up again?
6) What makes you feel free, serene, or full of nervous excitement?
7) What would your perfect day contain from sunup to sundown?
Choose one of those. I'd love to hear your answers.
The question I've chosen is number 6:
I love the wind on my face, the smell of the ocean, the sound of birds, the colorfulness of the butterflies, the scent of flowers, the crackling of a fire in a fireplace, the feel of a kiss, the smell of cookies baking in the oven and the laughter of my family and friends. Most of all, I love the excitement that I get when I am able to create something and see the end result, especially when the end result is giving to someone as a way to say, "I'm thinking of you."
my child not up at 5 but say...6? :)
some, err, alone time with husband (yesIsaidit) before she gets up.
then all family.
picnic playing anything NOT electronic :)
then, at the end, before bed, a long long time alone curled up with my KINDLE :)
As a kid, I dreamt about all of the things I would do as a grownup. Now that I am a grownup, I dream about all the things I would do if I were a kid again. :-)
Maybe when my kiddos are grown and moved out I can have a dream of my own...right now it is all about day one day it will be about me =)
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Life on the Ponderosa....pretty much an adventure every blessed day.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!
xo jj
I'll choose #2: I'd move somewhere warm, and there has to be a beach with lots of palm trees....
Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment.
Love your answer to #6.
My proudest moment was the last time my wasbund threatened to hit me. I said "Go ahead. I want you to. But when you do, you'd better make sure I don't get up."
I'd just "HAD IT" with being threatened and being frightened. Once I stood up to the bully, it never happened again. But by that time, I was finished in more ways than one.
Many years later I divorced him.
Why? I was no longer afraid, and he had stopped intimidating me, but I couldn't live with myself any longer for having allowed it to persist for so many years.