Can't Take Away the Memories

Lately, I've seen my life in pictures - like a slide show running behind my eyes.

I've seen my oldest daughter, Married Boo, when she was 1 year old, carrying a cd cover of Whitney Houston around as if it were her security blanket. She would fall apart if it wasn't packed in her diaper bag.

I've seen youngest, Single Boo, discovering "Santa Claus has been here" and saying it over and over again while shaking with excitement.

I've seen the first time that my twin sister and I competed in a Most Alike contest at the county fair and won third place.

I've seen Baby Boo sucking on her fingers as I held her for the first time. Then, her clomping around in Single Boo's shoes, trying to mimic her every move.

I've seen the fear on my face then a smile, when I realized that I was talking before a church audience and they actually were enjoying listening to me speak.

I've seen the fun of throwing snow balls on the roof with Single Boo and I and loving every moment of it.

I've seen the first time I caught a big fish and remembering the feel of the weight of the line.

I've known the hard times of letting go and of realizing that some things will never be the same again. But one thing that can never be erased are the memories. I hold those close to my heart. Those memories will always remain frozen in time.


You will always have your treasured memories forever embedded on your heart. Nope, ya can't take 'em away but they can be shared with future generations so they too can treasure your memories.

God bless you sweetie and have a marvelous day!!! :o)
Terra said…
Ah, these memories are sweet and forever.
Brian Miller said…
smiles. you got some nice memories there...i would not give up any of mine as they all went into getting me here...
Anonymous said…
You've got a wonderful mind that can recall those itty bitty memories: the kind we never capture on film.

The years fly by, don't they. *sigh*
Simone, thank you for such a beautifully written post. You are so right, the memories remain no matter how things change.

And I love the profile photo!!
Veronica Lee said…
That was beautifully written, Simone!

Some memories are forever etched in the mind.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Lovely post Simone. Thanks for sharing them with us.
xoxo jj
Mandy said…
I hope I remember as much as you do! I need to do a better job of writing down the little things, either in a journal or on my blog! Thanks for this reminder! Your memories all sound so beautiful, just like you!
Ina in Alaska said…
No one can take away your memories, dear friend.... xoxoxo
Kwana said…
Beautiful. Memories never die.
Sheryl said…
Thank you for the reminder of memories. My oldest is getting married in 2 months and my youngest will graduate from high school this year. So many things are changing - quicly.
Beautiful! It is such a blessing to be able to recall precious memories such as these...

Blessings & Aloha!
Stopping by from Veronica's post about the art that I do. It is so fun to meet other bloggers.
Unknown said…
You are a really outstandingly beautiful and wise woman. I love your slide show and I love what the future holds for you. All good things.

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