When You're the Best of Friends...

It doesn't matter if you speak a different language, you still can communicate loud and clear.

It doesn't matter what color you are or what shape your nose or ears are, you're still loved just the same.

It doesn't matter if you are afraid of things like the vacuum cleaner, thunder, people who don't like you because of who you are, that friend has your back.

It doesn't matter if bark loudly or talk softly, whether you're the belle of the ball or the wall flower, your friend will never leave you to face it alone.

You will understand that certain quirks or habits are what makes a person unique. (Even if it means licking your paws instead of using a napkin.)

You have to have strong shoulders for carrying one another's burdens, listening, reaching out and lending a hand. Sometimes a surprise pounce out of nowhere can wake up the sleeping, oblivious person.

Sharing comes naturally.

Apologies are easily expressed by actions sometimes more than words.

You can't imagine what life would be like without one another.

Make today the day when you show someone just how much you care for their friendship - near or far.


Mari said…
I love this! The pictures are so sweet and the words are touching. I can learn from them.
Buckeroomama said…
Beautiful post, Simone! ...and what sweet captures. :)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Amen to that CCD! Beautiful said and a perfect reminder of the best things in life-- friends.

xo jj
Brian Miller said…
smiles. we all need friends like that...
Terra said…
I love the photo and your thoughts.
Lin said…
And sometimes you can be just one of those things and still be a good friend. :)

Sweet post, pally. You always make me feel good when I come here. Always.
Awwwww, those pics are so darn cute and your words touched my heart!

Thanks!!! :o)

God bless and have a extraordinary day sweetie!!!
Anita said…
Yes, friends are a treasure...even the fluffy little ones who walk on four legs.

Couldn't help but notice that the room has empty space. Keep it that way!...Friend. :)
XmasDolly said…
Amen! Love your post! Just too cute, and too right to not share! Thanks for stopping by also. Have a good one, my friend.
Suz said…
Simone -

Great photos and a great blog. It is so true. I loved it.

Thank you.
Leslie said…
That picture is so precious and goes beautifully with your post. Very eloquently said...
Deborah Ann said…
Well this is inspiring! You have encouraged me to love my dog today. He's been sadly ignored of late. I think a good belly rub and a treat would be nice. For my dog, too.

Still praying for you, Simone...
Jill said…
Wonderful post! I love the pictures too! Have a great afternoon. Blessings
Anonymous said…
If those are your socked feet, who took the photo?

Beau has a friend across the field and when Taz is outside on his leash, Beau cries and whines until he gets walked across the field. Joe lets him off his leash and both dogs run toward each other through the field.

Set it to music and it would look like a television advertisement.

For people who don't believe animals have such "human" feelings, then they've never actually observed animals.
Mass Hole Mommy said…
Those pictures are soooo cute.
ethelmaepotter! said…
Stop, please! I browsed down the past three posts to see what I'd missed, and now I can't stop crying. The slide show running behind your eyes - I swear to you, I'm sitting here blubbering like an idiot.

This post about friendship is spectacular, and such a wonderful reminder of why we have friends, why we need friends, and how we keep friends. One of my dearest was injured night before last at work - hit on the head by a HEAVY metal door - I spoke with her after she returned from the emergency room and again yesterday, but I'm so worried because I haven't heard from her today...don't want to call her and interrupt if she's being able to rest, but need the reassurance that she's okay.

I guess that's part of being a friend, too. Knowing she'll understand whatever you do.

(Your photos really are PERFECT for this post!)
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Mandy said…
So precious! I wish my pets got along like that!

I hope you're surrounded by friends and people who have your back right now! I know it's a tough time.

I missed your "thankful Thursday" - I Hope everything is going ok.

Barrie said…
What a nice post. :)
Unknown said…
how sweet and tender, moving!!!
Reyna said…
That is such a sweet post!
Unknown said…
This is beautiful and absolutely BRILLIANT advice. I love it!
Linda Myers said…
Lovely post. Thanks!
Sweet Tea said…
You are so good!!
I love your words and I must admit I even envy your talent.
Great post,,

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