My Baby Girl is 22

Geez, the time has flown by so fast. It seems like just yesterday, I was welcoming you into the world with a "Hi, Baby Girl". You were beautiful then and are even more beautiful now. You've had some pretty interesting adventures in your life time and I anticipate many more to come.

I cherish the memories of your childhood...the chuckle you always gave when I bumped you up and down on my knee and said, "Yeehaw, ridin' on Cowboy!" Or, the many times I sang, "Hi my name is Joe and I work in a button factory..." One thing remains true to this day, you are one easily amused girl! (And for that, I'm thankful.)

You make my heart smile as I realize how many adventures we've shared along the way. I'm thankful to have you as a traveling navigator while driving you to gymnastics and back each day. Some of the trips were mighty scary but you were tough enough and didn't scream, "We're going to die today in this snow storm!"

I will never forget how you went against the doctor's orders and went after a blanket while I was in the hospital, burning up with a fever. No, it wasn't in my best interest but I believe that it was your love that pulled me through.

Thank you for teaching me to have a never ending love for nature, life and all things strange but pretty. It's because of you that I see beauty in things never having seen before as beautiful.

I anticipate the joy to come as you and One Day Soon Son In Boo prepare to spend the rest of your lives together. For now, I'm blessed watching you dream and fill your life with the joy of gummy worms, music, baking, laughter and so much more.

I love you, my sweet Jarebear! Have a wonderful birthday! Twenty two is just the beginning of many more cool things to come!


Mari said…
Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!
Brian Miller said…
happy birthday! i hope she has a truly special day
Happy Birthday to your baby! I hope her day is extra special.
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday! They grow up so fast!
Buckeroomama said…
Happy sweet 22!

Here's to a wonderful, extra-special, marvelous day! :)
I join in with the Birthday wishes for your lovely daughter. My baby girl is 26. Wasn't it just last week they were 5 with popsicles melting down their hands?
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday to your baby!!! She's beautiful.
Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to your beautiful, beautiful baby girl. She is a blessing : ) What a sweet girl.
She looks so gorgeous... Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Your baby girl is gorgeous! and you don't look nearly old enough to have a 22 year old!!!
Anonymous said…
How i wish I had a loving daughter like yours. On the other hand, I'm sure my daughter wishes she had as wonderful a mother as YOU are!
Sweet Tea said…
22 is such a good time in one's life - Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter!! Loved reading about your memories!!
Veronica Lee said…
Happy Birthday to your daughter! She's beautiful, just like you, Simone!!!
Jill said…
Happy Birthday to your daughter! She is beautiful! :-)

Annesphamily said…
My baby girl turns 20 tomorrow. Happy belated 22 to your beautiful girl! Ah 22...what a wonderful time in my own life!Love reading about you and the family! Anne

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