This Thing Called Love...part two

Dear J,

I really had a wonderful time. I love how patient you were with me as I oohed and ahhhed over pictures, flowers, squirrels and even half dying plants. As you can see, I'm a sucker for living things. I hope that being around me that long hasn't sent you wanting to run the other way. Promise me something.....that you will tell me what's on your mind.

I will tell you what I was thinking....
I got in the car....drove onto Kuebler and thought for a moment about turning around and going back for a kiss. I seriously did. Then, I thought that you would really think I had lost my mind and lock all the doors and windows!
Nevertheless, I exhaust myself! :) Looking forward to seeing you again. Maybe tomorrow????? :) No seriously, whenever you are wanting to see me again...that is..if you want to see me again....let me know. By the way, we make a great team in the kitchen!
Take care

Dear Simone, You beat me to it. I really enjoyed my time with you. I can tell you are the one I want to dance through life with. The Bible says something about a good women is as valuable as a fine gem. After the day I spent with you I can see why. You are going to be very easy to cherish. You consume my thoughts. I would love to see you again. Right NOW! But you have a daughter who needs you today. And I truly mean it when I say true love is selfless. Looking out for the one that holds your affections. I understand that if I am going to love you, You are a package deal your two daughters, son in law, the dogs, cat, and the plants. The plants will get water today. Have a wonderful day and next time we are together you will get a Kiss and all my affections. With all my love,loyalty, and affections.

Early on, we made a decision to walk together, with eyes wide open. We wanted to do it the right way...and the right way, we both know, we did.

Falling in love again wasn't easy for me. I wasn't about to get my heart broken into a million pieces once again. Yet, this time, there was something different propelling me. I know now, that it was faith and something I had lacked for awhile...TRUST.

One of the things that I know J won't mind me sharing is that we decided not to have sex until after we were married. It was important to the both of us that we not only honor the gift of our love to each other, making it that much more special and also, honoring God by not allowing sex to be the one thing that we couldn't resist trying out before we became as one.

Since both of us had been married previously, wanting more than anything to know that this was for keeps was pretty important to us. (Plus, the fact that he's a pastor also reinforced the commitment to cherish that part of intimacy.)

Sure, there will be challenges...some that we anticipate and others that will catch us totally off guard but, we both share the tenacity to dig our heels in and share a love worth fighting for.

There's one more part to this story....where I share with you the new old house and the joy of blending family.


Dawna said…
I loved reading this.. it's so full of true and romantic love it's the sweetest-purest thing!
Fills me with hope!!
Can't wait for the next installment!!!
Reyna said…
Thank you for sharing such an intimate, loving part of your lives in those letters and experiences!

And as for waiting there is a quote I like that says, "Remember that ofttimes the wisdom of God appears as foolishness to men,but the greatest single lesson we can learn in mortality is that when God speaks and a man obeys, that man will always be right."

God always keeps his promises by bestowing blessings to the obedient.

What a wonderful way to start your life together!
zunzun said…
I don't comment much on the internet anymore but...just couldn't resist...this was one beautiful entry. Wishing you the very best life has to offer but from what I just read even if life doesn't give you the very best you two seem like you will make it work anyway...hugs and congratulations!
Veronica Lee said…
Awww!! This is just too sweet! Wishing you the very best!!!
Brian Miller said…
big smiles...i got a thing for love and this is chock full of it...
Mari said…
I love this! You two are perfect for each other and I'm happy you went into this with the right thoughts and did it the right way. This post made me smile, big time!
Ina in Alaska said…
Sweet story and thanks for sharing even the personal parts. Hope J loves your Blog Boos too. xoxo
Anonymous said…
I can't stop smiling for you sis!! Thanks for sharing these most intimate and private notes with us!
Anonymous said…
I love the intimacy in your post. You are so alive and happy. I am beyond thrilled for you. Stay happy my friend. You deserve it!
Kathy said…
aw, God bless you both....
SouthLakesMom said…
Smiles, smiles, smiles.
Anonymous said…
Awsome, congratulations on your wedding.

ethelmaepotter! said…

After reading this, my faith in true love has been reaffirmed. You two are THE REAL MCCOY.

Is this not just the most wonderful line ever..."I understand that if I am going to love you, You are a package deal your two daughters, son in law, the dogs, cat, and the plants. The plants will get water today."

That man is a true sweetheart who married another true sweetheart.

This WILL be one of those happily ever after stories.

soooo sweet! i am so glad to have found your blog. :)
Your blog has taken a different look with new happenings in your life Simone.. I feel so happy when I come over here, not that it was pleasant earlier... but now it is something very cute. Hugs

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