Two + Friends = Twins

Dear Twin 2 aka Nay Nay,

I'm actually dreading writing this blog post to you because already, I've cried three times today over missing you. A billion happy birthdays to you! If only wishes could come true, I would wish that we were celebrating our birthday together.

I've never known anything else but to be a twin and have you as my twin and very best friend. So, thank you for sharing your life and toys and clothes and kids and cars and potato chips and candy with me all these years.

I've often wondered what my life would be like if I didn't have you as my twin and friend but then, I already know the answer, my life would never be the same.

Although we made some really great memories, the one that we have yet to experience is the Thelma and Louise road trip, minus driving over the cliff. Mark that on our twin bucket list.....that IS going to happen..even if we're in our 80's.

This blog post wouldn't be memorable if I didn't at least take a walk down memory here goes...

Remember when we used to get the powder from the butterfly wings and put them on our eyelids for "makeup"?

Remember when we made the attempt at divinity fudge but it turned into something burnt and hard and Mom told us we had to eat it because we wasted some precious ingredients while experimenting.

Speaking of experimenting...remember our science fair project where we attempted to bring a fly back to life, cover him in salt and when he didn't even twitch, we said, "Don't know what happened. It worked last night!"

Remember we would spend the day in our room singing into our hairbrush microphones?

Remember feety pjs and sliding around the house?

Remember when you failed the swim test and I taught you how to swim?

Remember when we could buy Winner suckers for a nickel and then get a winner sticker and get another for free?

Remember when we sold broken jewelry to the neighborhood kids and got in trouble for nailing a sign up on the neighbor's tree, advertising our jewelry business?

There's so many memories that there isn't enough time to share them all. But, hold on to them because those are the things that have made us who we are today.

I promise I will do my best to spend our next birthday together. But for now, I'll be thinking of you all day long and doing my best not to cry.

I love you, Nay Nay!


Dawna said…
Awwww that's so funny and heartfelt. You two sound like you were so miscievious and cute!- wonderful memories.. hope you have great day
Mari said…
Happy Birthday to both of you! I loved walking down memory lane with you.
Happy Belated Birthday to both of you! I hope you had a wonderful day with your new husband, despite missing Nay Nay. Next year will be twice as special when you're together.
MissKris said…
Happy Birthday to both of you. When I was born there was an extra placenta but my twin never made it to the light of day. I think of him/her often, especially on 'our' birthday and wonder if our relationship would've been as special at the one you share with your twin. You are so blessed. Have a wonderful day, my friend.
Brian Miller said…
smiles. happy birthday to both of you...endearing post and memories...
Sweet Tea said…
Happy Birthday to YOU and to Nay-Nay! I loved your sentiments to her. What fun it must be being a twin. Enjoy your special day!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday.

As always, I enjoyed your childhood memories. I love the the pictures but the one in the middle of those two little faces with pig tails and smiles was precious.

Happy Brithday to both you ladies.
Lin said…
Happy Birthday to both of you!! That twin bond is so strong, I'm sure you both miss each other very much today.
Ina in Alaska said…
Happy Birthday Simone and Nay Nay!! Feetie PJs.... wish I had a pair now! xoxo
Jill said…
So sweet! My husband has a twin brother so I completely understand.... :-)


Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
Syrone said…
Sorry it took me so long to comment. This post brought tears to my eyes and put a smile on my face. I think one of the reasons God designated us to be twins is so that we could share such uniquely wonderful memories. If I hadn't experienced them myself, I would've thought it was all to unbelieveable to be true. You're right...too many memories but all of them special and memorable because of you! We WILL live out our bucket list. I'm also shooting for spending our next birthday together. In the meantime, thank you! Your the best friend and twin sis anyone could ever dream of having. I love you and look forward to seeing you soon!
Buckeroomama said…
Belated birthday greetings to you both!

What precious memories you shared...

I'm really sorry that we weren't able to meet this time, but hopefully when we visit your part of the world again (or when you visit mine), we'll be able to meet up. :)
Unknown said…
I was at Mining 4 Diamonds and saw your comment about AA hair. I knew we traveled in good company.
Happy Belated Birthday wishes!
Veronica Lee said…
Happy Belated Birthday to you both! I love walking down memory lane with you.

Have a nice day, Simone!
Liz Mays said…
I sure hope you get a chance to see your sis before long, and thanks for sharing all those special memories with us.

Happy Birthday to both of you!
Liz said…
What an awesome blog post!! Happy Birthday to both of you. As an only child, I can only imagine how wonderful it was for you to have each other. :-)
ethelmaepotter! said…
Simone, if all the people on earth had hearts filled with as much love as yours, this world would be a better place.

Happy birthday to you and your other half!
Anonymous said…
Aw happy belated birthday to you and your sister!!!! So sweet.
Simone, you know how much I grieved over leaving my sister in Indiana when I moved to Florida.

Yesterday she called to "pick me up...I'm at the Tampa airport."

At age 72, she flew for the first time ALONE, to be here for my birthday.

There is NOTHING like the heart-bond between two sisters who would give their life for each other.

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