When Love Called..Part 1

I always figured that my life wavered between a soap opera, a chick lit book and close to the National Enquirer so why am I not surprised that the first title that popped into my head was, "When Love Called".

This will be a two parter since there's a few befores to explain and of course, the afters.

The before begins like this....

The wedding was held on July 2nd and although it was planned and well thought out, it was nested between moving two houses and blending them into one and a new job and moving to a new city (for me). We had two days to make all of this happen and later, I realized, that I had experienced the top five stresses in one week's time. No wonder I felt like running naked through the streets of Salem and screaming, "I must be losing my mind!"

(No, those are NOT my undies!!!!)

Jarebear Boo (formally Single Boo) and Married Boo came over 15 minutes before the ceremony was to start.

By then, I was in full panic. I couldn't find my shoes, my hair was a mess. I just wanted to be knocked out and woken up after it was all over with. My daughters saved me from myself but providing comfort, words of encouragement and reminding me to "get ahold of myself". I found another pair of shoes and they both worked on my hair and I was "fashionably late" because Married Boo said that I was supposed to be.

We drove up to the Rose Garden where the wedding was to b
e held and my Bonus Boos (Step kids) awaited in the gazebo along with the pastor with no sight of J. My heart skipped a beat or two but the kids told me that he had left the ring at the house and went back to get it. I actually felt relieved that he had left the ring because up until then, he was Mr. Composed and Calm. This let me know that he was feeling some of the same nervous excitement I was.

The major hitches were: the video camera totally locked up after a minute into the ceremony so we didn't get the ceremony on film. The next one came when the battery in the camera went dead and Married Boo and Son In Boo raced off to find a Best Buy to purchase another one.

The ceremony was filled with beautiful words spoken by the pastor of our church and also our pre-marital counselor. He was on this journey with us and it was nice to know that he would be the one who would blend our hearts together as one. During the ceremony, he shared what we both wrote: Ten Things I Love About You...to be framed as a reminder when things sometimes get tough. I loved his words that were spoken to the kids about blending families together. That has been a huge stress with the many different personalities in our new family. Lastly, we had a rose ceremony where J presented my Boos with a rose and spoke words to them and I presented his four Boos with words to the each of them.

The past totally flew in and back out of my head as I gazed into J's eyes and realized that this was the man, the only man I wanted to share the rest of my life with. We sealed our love with a kiss. "I love you," we whispered into one another's necks.

We drove home to pizza and cake and laughter from our kids. I felt tears fill my eyes many times that day. This was a joy-ney worth waiting for and the best is yet to come.

(Part two describes the joy of coming home. Stay tuned!)


Reyna said…
What a beautiful story,
And couple,
And children,
And wedding,
And dream come true!

I am SO happy for you!!

I can't wait for the second part.
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I am thrilled for you, Simone!

It sounds like a ceremony grounded in love, not pomp and circumstance....thank the Lord!

LOVVVVVVVE the red!!!!!

I can't wait to read part two!
Dawna said…
Congratulations.. truly, you lloked beautiful
Mari said…
I've been wondering how the wedding went and how you were doing.
It was wonderful! You were beautiful and I loved the pictures of all of you!.
Congratulations Mrs Boo!
yay! and happy ever after! You look amazing and I'm so happy for you! Beautiful pictures!
Brian Miller said…
it sounds like a lovely ceremony for sure...congrats!
Liz Mays said…
That gave me chills. I'm so happy for your joy!!!!
SouthLakesMom said…
Absolutely LOVE the guys in the tree photo!

And every other word. I was getting teary just reading it.

Prayers for your 3-cord strand to be STRONG and MIGHTY!

Sweet Tea said…
So glad you're back and I can't wait to hear "the rest of the story". Thanks for provideing pictures. What a love story!!
Congratulations, GF!!
I'm so glad you are in a HAPPY PLACE!!

Do you love being a Bride again.
Soooo romantic!

And you look BEAUTIFUL!!
Anonymous said…
You are simply gorgeous!

Congrats to you!!!! I am so happy you found love and you have a great big new family. Perfect.
I am so happy for you. What a beautiful family you have with more people to love and to love you.

The pictures were gorgeous. Red was the perfect color for you. You were radiant.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Oh Simone! You look absolutely beautiful and your new love and his family all look so happy. I'm thrilled for you.

The idea of the "Ten Things" to be framed is wonderful. I'm sure it will be int he perfect place in your new home.

Take some time to honeymoon and catch your breath.

Congratulations to the Newlyweds!!!! xoxox jj
Deidra said…
Can't wait for the rest of the story. Will you be explaining the underwear????
Unknown said…
I actually read the post because it was so beautifully written. I felt like I was there on your special day.
Congratulations on your wedding and new family!
I'm going to be sharing some of your wedding photos at my blog.
You know I love a good wedding!
Anonymous said…
Congrats Simone!! So very happy for you sis!! Thanks for sharing some of your pics! I pray for your continued love and happiness!
Buckeroomama said…
Aw, Simone, how lovely!

Sorry we couldn't meet up so I could offer my congratulations in person.

Wishing you all the best in this new joy-ney. :)
Liz said…
What a beautiful story and wedding! Can't wait for part two.

Red was the perfect color for you as you looked simply radiant.

Congrats and enjoy all your new adventures together!!
Annesphamily said…
Congratulations to both of you! What a terrific day, a beautiful wedding, a blend of two loves and wonderful family surrounding you. I wish you love and hope all the dreams you have together come true!
YOU'RE BACK! Why did I think I'd be the first to know????

And I clicked on the picture of the two of you, expecting it to enlarge and it didn't. From the looks of things....I can now relax and stop worrying about you alone in Oregon. OREGON! My God. Isn't it weird how you ended up there, and found someone!!

Where ARE you now? I'm distraught that I don't know!
Anonymous said…
Love your blog, I could actually be your Mom is I had married at 15..Congratulations to you and your husband, much love to you and your kids all of them..Everything should be great, I live in Pacific Northwest just not Oregon, I read your blog daily, happy for you..You sound like a wonderful mature and kind soul, congrats and much love and happiness forever, ciao from a couple of old time marrieds almost 38 years and counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're done making fun of my underwear, would you please send it back? I feel a breeze.
Linda Myers said…
Lovely! Congratulations and best wishes to both of you.
Jill said…
I just got back from vacation to see this!! Congratulations! What a beautiful bride :-) Can't wait to read part 2! Many blessings,
ethelmaepotter! said…
The love simply pours from this post...

Bonus Boos...is that cute or what?!

Looking forward to part II!!!!!!!
Ina in Alaska said…
A great big "ahhhhhh...."

Beautifully written in such a way that I feel like I was there. Wishing all of you much much happiness.... made me wish I could be one of your Boos.... xo
Vegas Linda Lou said…
WOW!!! I am never gonna be away from your blog for any length of time again.

My heartfelt congratulations to you, Simone. You are a beautiful woman and I'm thrilled you've found the man of your dreams. So, so happy for you! And you look gorgeous!!!

All the best to you and your family!
Veronica Lee said…
Congrats, Simone!! I'm so very happy for you! You both make a beautiful couple!
Unknown said…
So happy for you! Bless you and your new found love!
Unknown said…
Awww... that is really sweet. Returning your visit from Wrestling With Retirement!
Unknown said…
Congratulations! What a beautiful beginning to a lifetime of happiness.
Anonymous said…
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