The Big Boss from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

I haven't seen the movie, Bosses as of yet although I've heard that it is worth watching. My hesitance is that although some of the movie may be of the comedic variety, I've lived that life with a former boss not long ago.

The names are changed to save embarrassment for her stupidity and abusive treatment (even though if she's reading this, she knows exactly who she is.)

At the place I call The Place, were people who were there who honestly had the desire to work and of course, make money to provide for their families. I was one of those people who had a wonderful immediate supervisor who I came to highly respect and look forward to talking with. But, looming behind was the Footstomper, the GM of the company.

FS (Footstomper) wore heavy shoes so that when she walked, EVERYONE heard her coming. She claimed that she was a Bad A--(mule) but personally, she was close to be satan's twin, and I don't say that in exaggeration.

FS screamed and yelled at people, including the owner of the company. She was known for putting her hands in people's faces, mine included, when she wanted them to shut up. She was known for calling people stupid (namely me) because "HER" paper jammed in the printer but it wasn't her fault. She yelled and screamed at me because the wall got dinged by two guys moving file cabinets and I didn't "remind them" to "be careful". She inappropriately spoke to people from other ethnicities in broken, slow English, pronouncing every word saying, "I wasn't sure if she spoke English or not." She threw tantrums, yelled hateful words to everyone and made many people cry. The owner excused her behavior, giving many reasons for her behavior.

One day, she slammed the door in one of the upper management's faces. She didn't apologize.

Another day, she held a company birthday party for the owner but left out two people, on purpose, my supervisor and myself.

When she was gone, the atmosphere was peaceful and the inhabitants peeked out and laughed and shared together.

She only adored certain people....those that stroked her and complimented her. Oh, and if you were fat, you were already treated like scum beneath her shoe.

My existence there at The Place, lasted as long as it was meant to be. I had cried so many tears. I suffered through dread, stress, anxiety and panic each and every time I went to work. I would tell myself, "Don't let her shake you." But, it's hard to ignore a big green monster that stomps around, demanding to be heard.

I kept quiet when there, focused on doing my job and then heading home. Footstomper had no idea of who I was, what my talents were, how intelligent and humorous I was. She didn't care and didn't attempt to find out.

The last day I walked out of The Place for the last time, I cried. I cried for those that were left behind. I cried tears of joy for never having to suffer abuse from her again. I cried with relief that I could finally be myself again.

This journey and where my life is, is even more meaningful because of the obstacle that I faced at The Place. As I drive to work, I find that I'm singing, laughing and smiling. What a contrast from the way things used to be.

Have you dealt with or are dealing with a Footstomper in your life? If you are, hang in there. Troubles don't last always. Somehow, some day, the Footstomper will get exactly what they have dished out but even more.


Brian Miller said…
crying for the ones left behind...i have been there...ugh....oh i have...
Sweet Tea said…
I would bet that everyone who reads your words can identify. People who abuse their power and authority and many. It's a sad truth. I'm so happy your life has moved you to a "happy place". You deserve the song in your heart. Keep singing, GF!
Anonymous said…
there should have been a lawsuit..
Mari said…
It really makes me sad to think that you had to deal with someone like that. It's hard to believe that any company would tolerate this.
I had a Director of Nursing that was not this bad, but was close. We never knew what kind of mood she would be in, from day to day or even hour to hour. She could be your best friend in the morning and be screaming at you in the afternoon. There was much rejoicing at our place when she left. Not surprisingly she didn't stay at the next place for long either!
Dawna said…
Yep.. i can relate
horrible, ill mannered, 'seemingly unware of the pain they cause folk' who get theirs in the end.
it's experience, they get easier to spot.. i avoid at all costs
Glad you got away!!
Buckeroomama said…
No one should have to suffer through that. How could she get away with that?!
SouthLakesMom said…
My cousin wrote a character like this in her latest book and I thought it was unrealistic. I think I'm going to have to apologize to her!

Wow. I guess I've been lucky with my bosses. They weren't all perfect, but none of them were psychotic like this!

It makes me wonder how upper management puts up with people like this.
Relyn Lawson said…
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Relyn Lawson said…
I’ve been a blogging slacker lately. Jeffrey and Sloane were gone for two weeks and I found myself completely absorbed by house projects; an unintentional blog break. Now we're on a long, long road trip. We’re in Arizona now and I have a bit of time on the computer – finally! I was having withdrawls from being away from my blogger buddies so long, I tell you. I hope your summer gets better and your boss gets lost. Love to you and yours.
To all those FS's out there (bosses, parents, teachers, coaches, etc):

Karma is a bitch.
Ina in Alaska said…
If it is a major corporation I would write a letter to the head honchos at Corporate. If not, I would file a complaint with your local EEOC office.

We recently represented an employer, an owner of a small hotel, who had to deal with an employee complaint filed by the EEOC. Believe me, it is quite a process and the employer MUST COMPLY with all directives or face serious consequences. And they have to jump through hoops, answer complaint, have a specialist do training, pay fines, post notices that they run a fair workplace, etc.... Worth a try. The FS should not be allowed to operate as she does. Disgraceful. Glad you are out of there.
I'm sorry you had to put up with that as long as you in the world do people like that survive in this world...I hope Karma bites her on the arse someday!
Leslie said…
I think it's pure evil when someone in power abuses their position. So glad you were able to get out of their. Life is too short to spend it around people like that.
Jill said…
So sorry to hear you experienced this. Sounds like she is the one with issues. She should have been fired long ago! But I firmly believe that what comes around goes around and she'll get hers in time :-)
Here's to new beginnings!

Yes, I've had this kind of boss, and the kind that is quiet but abusive. I don't know which is worse. But you are right--they will reap whatever they sow. I only hope they repent and turn to God before it's too late.
Anonymous said…
No one should have to go through what you went through.

BTW I'm responding to your other post too. I love Bonus Mom! I need to use that. You are so blessed and sound so happy!!!!
Anonymous said…
had 2 male bosses when I was pg with my only child, they treated me like s--t. even this one woman who married a guy 40 years her junior was a snake, they all got their Karma, I had the most wonderful baby and everyone who saw her and my sweet hubby told me about what happened to those horrible bosses and the woman who treated me like s--t..for the life of me, I have never treated people so poorely and believe in KARMA, what you shout from your mouth and your actions truly comes homes to roost..Never have I treated anyone like those people and they thought of themselves as terrific people, oh, my God...I stuck it out for my maternity rights and fought them tooth and my benefits, and at that time, unemployment too..never taxed on it like it is today, since the day our only child was born we have been blessed, so don't fret about those h-----ble bosses, their is Karma and their is God..ciao
Helene said…
Oh wow, she sounds absolutely horrid!! It's too bad that she was able to get away with treating others with such lack of respect.

Don't worry, know what they say about karma!!!
Veronica Lee said…
Yep, I've had one. And guess what? The last time I heard, she now has leukemia, not that I'm rejoicing but like one of your bloggy pallies said, karma is a bitch!
I've had a few. The worst was at a nationally known Non Profit Company. This was years ago, and started when I married my husband (against my bosses wishes) and I was pregnant for my middle daughter. I dealt with his verbal abuse for almost 2 years. When I was pregant with my youngest daughter, I sued, due to sexual and other harrassment. I won. Right after that another woman sued and won. She and I both hoped we had sent a message, but I doubt they got it.
Lin said…
We've all had them, but we have to suffer those fools--well, if we want a paycheck.

I work for a complete ninny now--she delegates her work to those beneath her--numerous times over, so you have to communicate to those around you otherwise we are duplicating effort. She is an idiot, and we all cover for her. But that said, if we don't, you don't have a job. Sigh.

Work sucks. Always has, always will. We are at the mercy of those we work for. :( Blech.
♥ Braja said…
Wow. I'd love to meet her. So I could grind her to dust for you and your co-workers. Boy, there's some real ugly people in this world....I'm sorry you had to go thru that. People often say so impatiently, "Oh, why didn't you just leave, no one has to put up with that." But we all have to put up with something sometime, don't we...
Diva's Thoughts said…
Wow. That really sucked. I am surprised that her boss let her keep her job.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Oh man, FS is one miserable, nasty person. It's hard to imagine she hasn't been fired or sued yet. Sheesh.

I just caught up on your posts after being away too long. LOVE your wedding and new family stories. I'm thrilled for you.

And happy belated birthday Simone!

xo jj
Hi Sweetie...
Oh how I felt the tears roll down my face as I read this post. I too, had a boss like that for almost 2 years. I kept applying for other jobs to another facility and the day I left, the sun came out in my heart. I felt alive again. No more getting sick on Sunday nights because I knew I had to go in come Monday and let the abuse start all over. No more clicking her fingernails and having her check her watch to see if I was on time for work, back from breaks or back from lunch. I found myself cutting myself short in fact, because I was so afraid. She had her pointed finger with long nails in my face, at least 6 times a day. (I felt in my heart, this must be what an abused child or spouse goes through in a horrible relationship.)

Yes, my friend I know exactly where you are coming from. God gave me the courage to get out while I could, to not let my heart die, to not let my brain stop creating.

This is the Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi
Unknown said…
It makes me so angry that there are people like her around. Truly livid. I am glad you escaped. And I love that you cried for those left behind. You have a beautiful heart.
Brandi said…
i can definitely relate. unbelievable that she was able to get away with such horrible behavior. my boss was actually fired for her actions, and she thought she was untouchable. glad you have moved on and are in a much happier place.

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