The New Daddy

She waits, patiently, looking out the window. The pillows on the couch are flattened but she’s okay as long as she has a clear window view of the outside. She hears the car engine coming closer and her ears perk up. “My daddy is home!” She sits up, peering out the window, tail wagging until his key turns in the door. Within seconds, she’s at his heels, barking for his attention.

He picks her up and says, “Hi, Pretty Girl!”

She sighs and settles into his lap. “My daddy is home!”

Selah is the “furbaby” in this story. She has been with me through my first marriage, divorce, moving from one location to another and finally, a place where she has found happiness and contentment.

As corny as this may sound, I believe animals know, with keen intuition if it’s safe to fall in love – head over heels in love. Selah has jumped in – all four paws and discovered what it’s like to be treasured by not only her mommy but also, her new daddy.

The keys jingle and she knows that it’s their time alone. They’ll go on an adventure – maybe to pick up the kids, drop off the kids or to the store. Either way, the best place to be is in his lap, head out the window, smiling from ear to ear.

Knowing that she is loved and content brings true peace to my heart as well. To some, she is JUST A DOG but to me, she has been my uninvited but most welcome companion in this new and awesome journey of mine. Some times, as she lies in my lap, she gives a sigh of deep contentment. Bliss!


Brian Miller said…
smiles. what a heart warming or otherwise...smiles...
Ina in Alaska said…
A happy ending all around! Happy for the Selah update on her new circumstances.... Dogs are great judges of character. So happy for all of you. Happy weekend!
Liz Mays said…
It's good to know that the whole family is so happy!
Mari said…
I think you are right - dogs know who they can trust. I really enjoyed this post!
Reyna said…
What a sweet, loving story!
To folks who look at canines and think, "just a dog", I feel sorry for you.

Selah and her mommy are very lucky!!
Kathy said…
Aww, heart warming story for sure. I do not think of any of my 3 dogs as "just dogs"...and I don't understand this I am a huge dog person, hub's too, and I sure do wish everyone treated them as such...So happy for your family!
Lin said…
It's nice to hear that everyone is so happy. :)
I love that you are both in happy bliss! Sophie loves her Daddy ! Have a wonderful weekend!
Linda Myers said…
Nice to read about everyone in the happy new family!
Liz said…
Anyone that thinks "it's just a dog" or "it's just a cat" etc. are sort of sad. They are part of our family and so very important to us. I'm glad you have such a loyal companion/friend/family member in Selah and they she loves her new family so very much!!
Petula said…
Sweet! I've never had a pet like that. I am waiting until all of the children leave home to get a pooch. I want to start with a puppy that's going to be a huge dog! :-)
SouthLakesMom said…
You gotta love a man who loves your baby. And I agree with the folks who say dogs are good judges of character.

But I also believe dogs reflect their human's character. If their primary human is a bigot or fearful of other races, the dog often picks up on that. So Selah's love for her new daddy reflects what she has picked up from YOU -- a loving, open heart despite much pain and hurt you've experienced.

THAT is God!
Jill said…
So sweet! Dogs have always been a big part of my life ever since I was young and I so understand the attachment. Unconditional love...

ethelmaepotter! said…
"Just a dog." No such thing.
Beautiful post. And I trust Selah is not the only one enjoying "new Daddy."
Anonymous said…
Aw what a sweet story!
Buckeroomama said…
I think pets have a sense about who's a 'good' guy and who's not. :)
Sweet Tea said…
God bless Selah - and He has.
Dogs are a great judge of character. You've got a "keeper", Ms. Bride.
Veronica Lee said…
Pets somehow know whom they can trust.

Glad to know everyone is happy!
I could not love someone my dog felt odd toward. Yes, I love my dog THAT MUCH, but he loves me too, and if another person puts off a "vibe" that my canine protector feels, then that's a good enough warning for me.

I wish your other doggie-baby could have experienced this new love. But it's enough - more than enough - that all your latest decisions proved to be the right moves.

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