Things I've Learned Thursday

1) Its way more embarrassing falling upstairs instead of falling downstairs.

2) Working in cubicles means there’s just some things that people should never discuss on a personal phone call while at their desk.

3) Stale chocolate rice cakes tastes like the bottom of a cat litter box. Blech! (And no, I’ve never gone there and never will!!!)

4) The Terrible 2’s in puppy years has begun. Hide your shoes, your fingers, toes, socks, crumbs…Mooshu is on his way to visit you. (How could I forget that this stage? I hope he goes through it quickly…if not, I’ll be air mailing him to Alaska!)

5) When I usually bite my tongue once, normally it means that I’m going to bite it two more times.

6) There’s no better feeling than the feeling of being loved!

7) There were 3 menopausal women in the conference that I attended. How did I know? They carried their personal fans with them. Can you imagine if guys went through midlife and they had hot flashes - what that would look like?

8) I will never complain about my new last name having 11 letters again. After typing in registrations for a Russian class, I’m humbled.

9) Thirty dollars is way too much money to pay for cheeseburgers, no matter if it IS Five Guys and they have over 100 flavors of soda.

10) There’s something exhilarating finding a treasure among a pile of junk.

What have you learned?


Mom et al said…
Number 5!!! Gets me more than once every time. :)
I love 'em, got a good laugh. Why do we have to bite our tongue more than once anyway??? Heeehehe!

God bless and have a terrific Tuesday!!!
Brian Miller said…
five guysis awesome...but 30 dollars? at least you get lots of fries...and it is nice being loved...yeah the rice cake one made me wince...
Ina in Alaska said…
Alaska is on standby for Tornado Mooshu!!! xo
Ina in Alaska said…
PS We'll take him over Sarah any day!!
Veronica Lee said…
#1 I can imagine!! LOL!

I've learned that English place names are continually messing with my mind!

Happy Friday, Simone!
Your Thursday posts are always entertaining.

For every time I bite my tongue, there are two times that I should've, but didn't. Whoops!
Out of desperation as a gluten-intloerant woman, I recently ate a stale, chocolate rice cake. After reading your #3 - never again! :0)

Maybe it helped that I smeared it with peanut butter and topped it with chocolate chips! LOL.
Anonymous said…
$30.00 for hamburgers, I don't care what they say about how good they taste, one could get steaks here and have a feast with good veggies & fruit for that price tag..Luv your blog, get a big hit out of your musings, happy weekend it is almost here..Happy October it is almost here too!
trump said…
I'm passing through some of the blogs and thought id stop and say hello. And i hope that you folks have a very nice fall weekend. Richard from the Amish community of Lebanon Pennsylvania.
Unknown said…
Well, that I should be thankful for a 4 letter last name.
That I should rethink a puppy.
That talking in a soft voice is a good thing!
That I'm thankful that hot flashes was one thing menopause didn't give me.
And that I won't be going to Five Guys anytime soon!
Annesphamily said…
You are just a riot! I love when I come over.
I heard Patsy Clairmont the Christian speaker/humorist describe rice cakes as hockey pucks! LOL! I can only eat the ones that are cheesy. All the others have soy lethicin! That stuff gives me migraines!
$30 burger Yikes! I like the $6 turkey guacamole burger at Carls Jr.! HA Ha!
You sure can make me smile and I feel awful today! :(
Hugs Anne

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