Fixing It

I like to fix things. Actually, I take fixing things seriously and in fact, when things are broken, I am on a mission to figure out ways to fix "it".

This weekend, J and I looked forward to some time alone. I woke up excited about the time we'd spend together. The first stop by my request was to see where he grew up and went to school. There's just something about listening to people as they reminisce. I thought that the day was getting off to a good start when suddenly, huge clouds of white poured out of the hood of my car. Thankfully, we were right by the driveway of a strip mall and pulled in enough time to open the hood as the steam (looked like smoke to me) poured out. Long story short, 3 hours later and the car was towed back the house. After determining that it was more than likely the thermostat, J installed it the next day. Excited, I tried to start the car and it wouldn't start. I wanted to cry. We waited and waited and jumped it to no avail. By then, I was on every "auto" mechanics troubleshooting website, trying to figure out what was wrong with it.

I proudly announced, "It's the alternator. It got a little wet once the radiator was flushed."Wrong. Took the battery out, got that checked and it was "the battery". J put the battery in and then gave me the honors once more of starting it up. It didn't start. By then, I was in tears. Not only were we out of money trying to fix it but it was still broken.

Next stop...spark plugs....I'm not sure if that will fix it or not but it's taught me a huge lesson in a major way: I am way too determined to fix what's broken. In fact, I didn't realize the pressure I've put on myself all these years. I have taken on this role of "Mrs. Fix-It" for so long that I can't rest easy until I've succeeded.

This sets me up for failure. I can't fix broken hearts or burnt toast or spilled coffee. I can't even fix a bad hair cut or a bad photo. But I want to make it all better. I want to make it better than new.

I can't.

But He can.

That's where I need to hand him all that's broken and say, "Can you fix this, please?"

How do you handle broken things? Do you take it to someone to fix it?


Ina in Alaska said…
I leave auto repairs & most everything else that needs attention to the pros. I don't mess with things I know nothing about. Good luck with your car!
If it's a matter of using E6000, I fix it; otherwise it goes to the Source.
I rely on my hubby to fix everything and when he can't I'm shocked then the pro's step in.....I pray a lot for things to be fixed right by hubs.....less $$ that way!
Good luck with your car!
Brian Miller said…
nice...great realization...i am a fixer as well that often needs humbling...
Mari said…
I like to fix things too, but not anything car related. I'm hopeless there, and hubby isn't much better. We just bring it in and pray it isn't too expensive!
Anonymous said…
I've learned I can't fix everything no matter how hard I try!

Hang in there. Thinking of you!
Connie said…
When it comes to the car - I don't know nothing about them. If it something I can fix with glue or duct tape, I'm in business. lol
Lin said…
Simple stuff with the car, we do ourselves. Otherwise, we have a great (and cheap) mechanic at the end of our street that we go to. We are lucky to have 3 cars so if one is down, we can still get around.

LOVE the new look!!!
Joanna Jenkins said…
I'm all thumbs when it comes to repairs but I try to help "fix" loved ones when they have a problem.

Hope the car is repaired.

xo jj
If WD-40 and/or duct tape can't fix it, I'm clueless. And you're right...we want to fix things. Today I wanted to fix my 80-year old mother. Lucky for her I didn't pull out the duct tape, LOL.
Anonymous said…
My Dr./Mr. fixes everything! Then he will call the repairman - LOL.

Since he's always doing routine maintenance, things usually run smoothly.
Anita said…
When I read this, Simone, I laughed because I wrote a very similar post in April 2010. I went back to it to see if you had commented on it, but it was one that you missed.

Anyway, I'm sorry about the issues with the car; very frustrating, I'm sure. I assume by now, that you're back on the road! I hope you were able to reschedule the day of reminiscing with J.

I'm a fix-it girl, too, but I know my limits. My husband is an instant, "Call somebody." I guess we're a good balance. :)
Deborah Ann said…
Aw, I hope you get your car working soon! How frustrating.

I can relate to your 'fix-it' approach. To some extent I do that too. But not for cars or anything mechanical...I like to solve mysteries. You know, line up all the clues so the victim gets justice. Maybe that's why I'm a fan of Dateline.

I think sometimes we feel like God isn't doing His job, so we have to do it for Him. Or at least that's how I put the puzzle pieces together.

Have a blessed week, and when you finally figure out what's wrong with the car - I hope you can celebrate with a nice dinner or some...chocolates.
Annesphamily said…
Good luck with the car. I have a car sitting outside dead as a doornail! But next month hopefully we will be in better financial shape and get it fixed. Somethings in life are tough and we can not do all things for ourselves. Remember these words "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" PHILLIPIANS 4:13
Here is another one:
Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
I hope you have a beautiful day. I wish you love and faith because I know how much love you already have!

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