Holding Hands, Holding Hearts

I was walking hand in hand with Jarebear Boo into the grocery store. She was 8 years old. I told her, "I love holding your hand."

She said, "I'll always hold your hand, Mommy, no matter how old I am."

My heart melted at that very moment. I knew that one day, she'd hit the age where it just wasn't as "cool" to walk around, holding my hand, but in the meantime, I cherished it.

Then, the moment came when we no longer held hands. There was no premeditated warning....it just happened, one day, without notice.

My heart moved on, although, never forgetting the joy of what it was like to have a hand to hold.

One day, J and I were walking, hand in hand. As we climbed the stairs, I stumbled. Quicker than I could catch myself, J tightened his grip and broke my fall. I found that moment once again. I discovered that holding one's hand is like holding one's heart. He tenderly held mine and still does...when we pray, when we fall asleep at night, when we are in church, worshiping together, sitting side by side, cheering the Oregon Ducks on to victory and sitting across the table, sharing a milkshake...we're holding each others hearts and hands.

At a time when I'm totally reminded of thankfulness, I'm thankful for the big things, like having a job after being unemployed for 2 years. I'm thankful for new beginnings and mischievous puppies. I'm thankful for silly songs sung on my voice mail and warm blankets fresh from the dryer. But most of all, I'm thankful for a hand to hold.

What are you thankful for?


Sweet Tea said…
I'm thankful for my husband who knows me so well that he can order for me at any restaurant and always get it right. He knows where I like to sit in church and where I want to sit at the movies. We sometimes answer a question using the same words. Now If I could just get him to come around to my way of thinking about politics! LOL
Rae said…
Sweet post! I am thankful for a 30 year career as an oncology nurse that afforded me the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing patients - cancer patients that taught me just how precious each day of life really is.
That is such a sweet post from you Simone. J is lucky because he has a woman who cherishes holding hands with him.
I am at the moment thankful for the kids that are wonderful and make life pleasant...
MissKris said…
Lovely! And I am blessed once again to hold little ones' hands. And I am not looking forward to the day when my grandsons no longer reach out for mine. There aren't too many things on this earth any sweeter than that.
I'm thankful for the hand to hold also and my health and the good health of my family. Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Thanksgiving.
Ina in Alaska said…
Happy Weekend I am thankful it's Friday! I am thankful for my many blessings, for reasonably good health, for my fun dogs & good friends & family! Pretty much I am thankful for everything!
Mari said…
This is such a touching post! I have much to be thankful for - including holding hands with my hubby, and new grand daughter who will soon be holding my hand, wonderful family and blog friends like you!
I am most thankful for God, family and beautiful friends like you.

As I sit her all I have to do is look around and see how very blessed I am.

I love this post...hold a hand...hold a heart! Precious.

God bless and have a delightful weekend sweetie!!! :o)
Linda Myers said…
I am thankful for a roof that doesn't leak, soft new flannel sheets, and a new family holiday tradition.
Veronica Lee said…
That was such a sweet post, Simone!

Have a wonderful weekend!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Ahh Simone, you sound like a happy and content woman. I'm so happy for you.
xoxoxo jj
Connie said…
I'm thankful for my husband's hand as he holds me up when my hip hurts almost to much to walk.
Connie said…
I'm thankful for my husbands hand when he holds on to me when it is almost to painful to walk (I have a hip trouble). As well as many other things like family and friends.
Lin said…
It's good to have love--in whatever form. It's good to give, receive, and hold tight in your heart. :) It's what gets us through each and every day.
Mandy said…
I loved this post Simone. I too love holding hands. I love holding Vivian's hand. Kirk and I hold hands in the car often while he drives. (and yes he's careful driving one-handed! :-) And I can't wait to see Vivian hold hands with her baby sister or brother. It truly is a special thing. I'm so happy that you have someone to hold hands with now in your life again.

Many blessings and a Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Mandy and Vivian
Buckeroomama said…
Yet another beautifully written post, Simone.

I am thankful for so many things, but at the top of my list will always be my family --my husband, my kids, my parents....
SE'LAH... said…

Saw you over at Joanna's place (the fifty factor) and thought I'd stop in for a visit.

I am thankful for life. Glad you have found employment...it's a scarce commodity these days.

One love.
Annesphamily said…
I am thankful for those simple things too. I am thankful I have a job, that I have a good solid hubby. I am thankful my kids are all in school and paying for their own way. Last night at my birthday dinner my hubby got ahead of us walking fast and talking with our middle daughter. Her beau Zach stayed back with me and let me hold his arm so I would not fall in the snow. He is a good man. Solid. I like that! I love the way you write. Hugs Anne
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