Mystery Solved
Sleepless nights....
wondering if the creature was going to crawl or stomp on my face....
instead, he was caught red handed.
I opened the door to the attic storage to "show" Jarebear Boo what the creature had been doing. I pointed to his destruction while she peered over my shoulder. All of a sudden, before our very eyes, the biggest, humongous rat peeked up over the nativity he was busy preparing for demolition. He had the nerve to wave (well, it appeared to me that he did) and then casually and I really do mean, casually, walked away. The creature was the size of a kitten.
Jarebear Boo and I did what came natural. We screamed. LOUD! Needless to say, all 8 of the kids plus J, came running. But, he faded away into the abyss.
The creatures that live in our houses and lives sometimes loom quietly, waiting for the right moment to appear. Sometimes, doubt brings out the creature or even disappointment or discontentment.
The only way the creature will survive is by feeding on negative thoughts, self-doubts, lack of faith and disillusionment when things go wrong.
I struggle with a few creatures in my life. One of them is envy. I hate that I allow it to jab at me when something wonderful happens to someone else and I'm left at the sidelines, cheering them on instead.
Another is, my stinkin' thinkin'. It's so much easier to beat myself up when I make a mistake or don't achieve whatever it is that I'm attempting to achieve.
The sad thing is that even though, I may not feed the creature, he'll always have something to eat, whether it is a pair of pjs, Christmas ornaments or even sand paper. In that same way, we can never completely get rid of the negative things in our lives, because we're far from being perfect.
We can acknowledge that it exists but not throw a celebratory party for it each time it crosses our paths. We can feed the creature but feed it something that will cause it's demise. He may be thinking he's eating a Hershey's chocolate bar but he's really eating rat poison.
In that same way, we can feed the negatives in our lives with positives. When the green 'ol envy rears it's ugly, stupid head; it can easily be fed a huge helping of gratitude instead.
Even when depression floats around us like a storm cloud heavy with rain, we can find treasures to keep our hearts light and happy. I love going to the library and heading to the children's books. Just browsing through the books makes me reminisce and smile again. I also enjoy baking cookies or going for a drive with J, taking pictures of God's palette along the way. Music is another way that my heart is often lifted. No matter how heavy my heart is, there's just something about the way that music soothes me.
How do you destroy the creatures in your life?
When negativity rears it's ugly head, I actually yell "No!" and force myself to 'change the channel. On the rare occasion that it doesn't work, I let my sister hit me over the head with a brick.
You know Simone-- This may sound strange because I've always admired your writing skills, but there is a new beauty in your words since you married-- A combination of calm, content and joy between each line. I am so happy for you and smile every time I stop by.
Big hugs of happiness for you. xoxo jj
Great post!
I slam the mood with the word of God, smother it with thankfulness, and stomp it out with humor!!!
May God bless your day with his Sonlight!!!
I hang out at the mall to beat the blues. I find that very therapeutic even though I don't really shop.
At the moment we are in a beautiful Colorado resort so my husband can ski. Sad to say, I often struggle when here because everyone seems so fit and active, and my body just hurts.
So I commit to daily walks in the sunshine and visits to the library. It's so beautiful complete with a gas fireplace, couches and blankets. A great place to read uplifting blogs. :0)I am blessed.
I love your post. Sometimes it is difficult to let go of the negative. It's so much better to smile!!
All of these things get my mind off of myself. I'm very blessed and need to be reminded here and there.
I'm happy to know that you are settling into your new family life. I suspect there are still hills and valleys, but I'm believing it's leveling out for you.
I wish you a lifetime of love and joy with them...but stand your ground! All moms and wives have to do it, otherwise, the family will suck the life out of us...lovingly, of course. :)