8 seconds
I can't understand how or why things happen the way they do. But what I do know now is no matter what happens, life goes on.
I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and not wanting to sound overly dramatic, still recovering from the trauma.
I went in with chest pains and during the course of those chest pains, my heart stopped. 8 seconds where my heart flat-lined and I was "gone".
When I was brought back, I looked for J. I needed to know he was close by. I needed his calm assurance that it was going to be okay.
Next, I tried to process what happened while I was gone. I know for sure that while I was struggling, life was going on for everyone around me. All across the blogging world, in countries everywhere, life was going on. The world wasn't changed by what I was experiencing but I decided that I was going to change things as a result of what I experienced.
I can't describe, what I felt. There are no words yet. I'm not even sure I'm quite up to making much sense right now. :)
But I'm here and I appreciate you all for your prayers and words of encouragement.
Thanks for being here.
I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and not wanting to sound overly dramatic, still recovering from the trauma.
I went in with chest pains and during the course of those chest pains, my heart stopped. 8 seconds where my heart flat-lined and I was "gone".
When I was brought back, I looked for J. I needed to know he was close by. I needed his calm assurance that it was going to be okay.
Next, I tried to process what happened while I was gone. I know for sure that while I was struggling, life was going on for everyone around me. All across the blogging world, in countries everywhere, life was going on. The world wasn't changed by what I was experiencing but I decided that I was going to change things as a result of what I experienced.
I can't describe, what I felt. There are no words yet. I'm not even sure I'm quite up to making much sense right now. :)
But I'm here and I appreciate you all for your prayers and words of encouragement.
Thanks for being here.
I'm glad you are out of the hospital and will be praying for full recovery and for the Dr's to figure out what is causing these issues.
Love you!
Speedy recovery x
I'm adding you to the prayer list, so I hope you get this figured out FAST!
Simone, what are the docs telling you?
Sooooooo thankful it was not your time - God bless those who cared for you!!! I'm gonna add you to my prayer list.
You are in my prayers, dear friend and you will continue to be. We will pray for wisdom for the doctors, and peace and protection for you and J. Sending you gentle hugs across the country.
Do the doctors have any idea what's goin' on with you sweetie???
I can't imagine how scary this is for you. Know that my heart and prayers are with you and God touches you in a mighty way.
I just want to hug you right now.
God bless, take care and let me know if I can do anything.
That had to be scary to hear that you were flat-lined for 8 seconds.
PLEASE stay on the doctors for extensive testing.
And PLEASE take care of yourself.
May God bless you and your family.