Expecting the Unexpected

Last year, 2011, brought some pretty exciting, unexpected adventures. I jumped into some challenges head on, while others, I was tempted to run for cover - but I survived.

This year, I'm inspired by possibilities yet seen. There's so much that I desire in my life and there's no resolution in the world that will guarantee that those desires will come to pass unless, I'm ready to expect the unexpected.

One thing for sure is that I am much harder on myself than I should be. So, this year I will not call myself names. I tend to do that...names like "idiot" "dummy" "nerd". As a man thinks, so is he soooooo...

So what if the scale growls when I step on...I will growl back, even louder.

I will not set myself up for failure. If I don't accomplish something that I've tried my very best to do, I will pat myself on the back for at least trying.

I will not fear experiencing new neighborhoods, new friends, new recipes, new music or anything new. Change is good. CHANGE is good. Change IS good. Change is GOOD!!!

I will set aside two days a week for learning something...anything, new. I refuse to let this brain slow down. I'm going to build, construct, read, write, explore, figure, compute and create.

I'm going to breathe more. That means, taking in my surroundings and really seeing, hearing and noticing what is there.

I want to embrace my taste and style, humor, talent, faith and beliefs and love with wild abandonment.

Most of all, I will take each day as it comes. Just because the day starts out bad doesn't mean that it's going to be a bad day. It just means that I need to get through it with eyes wide open.

How about you? Are you ready to expect the unexpected?


MissKris said…
As you know, this past year was REALLY a wild ride for us, and even 10 months into it, it's still a new experience every day. I've been a one-day-at-a-time believer for years. I try hard not to fret over anything because this too shall pass. For the past 35 years the Lord has taught me no matter how good or how bad it is, He's with me every step of the way and that gives me enormous comfort in this crazy stressed-out world we live in. Happy New Year to you!
Brian Miller said…
glad the old has given way to the new...last year was a beast....i like your resolutions...taking each moment as it comes is a great way to live...best wishes on them in the coming days...smiles.
I love it.....you go girl....and yes I'm ready!
Ina in Alaska said…
Yup. I am ready for anything this year. It will be a good one I believe!
Bring it on sister...I'm ready!!!

You sure did have a year filled with many changes and yep....change is good. Shakes the body up and let's ya know your alive!

God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)
Kwana said…
I love that you will growl back. I'm going to start doing that too. Thanks! Happy New Year!
Liz said…
What a great list! Love, love, love it. I've always been a little scared of change. Not terrified but scaredd enough to have trouble making decisions.

Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
Deborah Ann said…
Love this chocolate message! I have been feeling defeated by the scale...by how I don't want to learn anything new. No more!

Happy New Year!
Petula said…
Yea, I'm ready. I'm expecting to accomplish my commitments and realize such dreams and desires. One day at a time is my motto, but I - like you - will not keep setting myself up for failure.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
"Idiot?" "Dummy?" "Nerd?"

No way.

"Balanced." "Sweet." "Authentic."

Buckeroomama said…
This should be printed out and pinned up somewhere!

May 2012 be a blessed year for you and yours.
Anita said…
I'm ready for the unexpected. I hope to be blessed with it all being good.

I like your plans, because it's mostly about you.

I know you're a giver and will not neglect your family, however, glad you're ready to appreciate your God-given Temple.

Happy New Year!
I need to borrow some of your spirit. I'm gonna give everything I've got and make it a fabulous year. I've had a lot of unwanted change in the last few years so this is my year to turn it into someting positive. Thanks for the push.
Way to go, girl! Over the years I've learned a lot about how we talk to ourselves. Why did I used to put myself down all the time?
No more! It is so liberating and I really think Jesus smiles when we encourage ourselves. After all, wouldn't he?
Cheering you on in prayer for 2012!
Sweet Tea said…
Good. Every single thing you listed is GOOD!! You're off to a good start!! Gooooooo!!
Unknown said…
I am ready to welcome some changes in this life as well. Always enjoy your blog!!!

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