Things I've Learned Thursday
This is not going to be your typical TILT. This week has been an 11 on a scale of 1 - 10. It started out with being sick with what seemed like a cold but turned into an asthma problem which went into a heart episode. I like to pretend that I'm a hypochondriac with J just to get his reaction to my made up illnesses but this is one of those times when I couldn't make it up.
Long story short...slightly enlarged heart, EKG, nitro pills, blood pressure meds....4 days of missed work, tons of worried people and an appointment with a cardiologist in the near future has been the gist of it all.
It has taught me something though...
1) When J says "no" he means "no" as in, "No, you're not going to work." or "No, you're not driving yourself to the doctor's appointment."
2) A simple compliment takes away the feeling of being uncomfortable. I cringed when the technician needed to put the electrodes on my chest. I hate revealing the scars (talked about in another post wayyyy back when). Instead of waiting for her to ask about the scars, she said, "You have such gorgeous skin! I love your skin tone!" I instantly relaxed.
3) Nitro glycerin tablets burn when placed under the tongue. Sort of resembles putting a lit firecracker under the tongue.
4) When I think I'm hearing a car with a loud bass thumping, it's not, it's really my heart beating loudly in my ears.
5) I will take every symptom I feel, seriously.
6) I am LOVED!!!
7) Hearing J tell me for the billionth time that he's here and not going anywhere makes me feel like I'm the luckiest woman alive.
8) My daughters are going to come over to babysit...ME. Can you believe it? I'm being babysat?
9) My doctor is the most eccentric doctor I've ever met. She reminds me a little of the absent minded professor but in a good way. I owe her for taking two hours to examine and treat me. Not once did she show that she had someplace else she'd rather be.
10) I am so thankful to work at a place where I am truly missed and where they really care about me!
What have you learned?
AND remember how loved you are!
Hope you are feeling better... and please do take it easy.
Rest and enjoy those babysitters. :)
In the meantime know my prayers are with you.
Here's sendin' you some big old hugs sweetie.
God bless and feel better. :o)
I sure hope you get this sorted out and are feeling better SOON!! How scary!
I found your blog through your comment at the Country Wings in Phoenix blog. Sherry is such a sweet person.
And speaking of sweet. I love the name of your blog. :)
I am really sorry to hear of the health troubles you are going through. We have been through lots with my husbands troubles. So I know how it is as far as all the things that we have to do with hospitals and doctors.
Isn't it great to know you have people there that care so much.
Prayers will be said here for you. I hope that all goes well. Know that Heavenly Father knows you and loves you and will always be there for you...
I will love to stop my again a read your posts.
Take care, Janet W
God bless you both
I learned that FB will put me in Timeout if I friend request too many people I don't know. Ha! They don't know I can make friends without their help!
Hope you're feeling better soon!