Cherish list

"No one has ever loved me the way that you love me. With you by my side, my whole world is complete."

I listened as J spoke those words to me, tears filling my eyes. I understood what he was saying because I FELT it too.

The last few months have been hard to put into words. Yet, he's been by my side, every step of the way. With every test and doctor's appointment, he's been there to hold my hand and whisper words of reassurance.

Although I feel his love, I feel a sense of guilt to be so very blessed. You see, two weeks ago, two people close to us, lost their spouses. The thought that resonated in my head as I wrapped my mind around their loss was that here I am feeling, "lost" while they are living it out loud. My "lost" is temporary, yet their "loss" is so much more.

As articulate as I can often be, I couldn't find the right words to bring them comfort. So, I decided to focus on their lives while they lived and not their death. I wanted to know more about their passions and courage, how they met challenges in their lives, their gifts and things that brought them joy. As I listened to some of the memories retold, I was reminded how important it is to cherish every moment, big or small.

Today, I began to make a list of things I cherish:

1) My puppy Mooshu and his love for his hotwheel car.

2) Hearing my stepson say that he's glad that I'm here and that I'm like a mother figure to him.

3) Listening to J and J Jr. downstairs, yellling at the tv, while watching the Blazers basketball game.

4) Having my father in law and sister in law over for St. Patty's day and rejoicing when my father in law called me Simone instead of Ramone. (Whew! I thought he'd never get my name right.)

5) Walking hand in hand with J while the snowflakes tickled my nose.

6) Listening to the song, Amazing Grace, just when I needed that reminder.

7) Getting a text message from my daughter Jarebear that read, "I miss you. I wish you lived closer. Let's spend a day together really soon."

8) Watching my son in law, fall madly in love with my daughter, Ev'Yan every time she cooks something that he loves. (His whole face lights up.)

9) Having J wake me up in the morning before he leaves for work saying, "You is smart, you is beautiful and you is my wife. I love you. Have a great day!"

10) Reading blog comments from all of you that reminds me of just how much you all truly care.

My challenge to all of you is to take some time out this week and start a Cherish list. It can be in pictures or just in words but focus on the big and little things. What is one thing you cherish today?


Brian Miller said…
nice...i think i will take you up on that idea...i like the ones on your list so is sweet and we are only promised today you know...
Adam said…
The 1st bullet point reminded me of when my dog met some RC car toy I had. He was scared to death of it.
Loved this post, Simone (especially #4!).

One thing I cherish is His love. From this comes all that is good.
Mari said…
What a great post! I love what your stepson told you. A lot of stepkids don't feel that way!
I also love that J quotes that line from The Help to you.
You are blessed by all those who love you!
Liz Mays said…
This brought tears to my eyes! I know I cherish much, but writing it down would be a great reminder of my blessings. Thank you for this!
Oh girl, this was a beautiful post and a great reminder to us all to take a moment to pause from our very busy lives and remember how very blessed we are to have things to 'cherish'.

One of the things that still thrills my heart and makes my skirt fly up is how Farm Boy's eyes light up when I walk into a room. Even after 39 years of matrimony. Heeehehehe!!!

God bless ya sweetie and have a terrific week!!! :o)
Stacy said…
Your list made me smile...and that is something I cherish. All the friends I've made through blogging who have touched my life.

I am also especially cherishing the husband that didn't yell at me when the corned beef and cabbage spilled all through the trunk of the car AND he cleaned the whole smelly mess up without being asked. :)
Such a great list and so much to cherish...sometimes it's easy to forget or not see the little things in front of us....great post! :)
Sweet Tea said…
What a lovely way for J to begin your day with those sweet words. I truly cherish soooo many things. I try not to take things for granted. My most recent "cherish" is the smell of freshly mown grass. LOVE IT!!

I hope you are feeling better and the doc's are getting your health put back in order for you. I loathe going to Dr. appnts, but am thankful for good docs. (((Happy Hugs)))
Nancy said…
My son was home from college for Spring break last week. We went through a couple of rough years together. As he was leaving, he hugged me and said I was an awesome mom. I will cherish that memory forever.

Thanks for sharing your list. You've got some good stuff going on, Simone.
Andrea said…
Beautiful, sweet friend! Thank you for your words of encouragement and your visits to arise 2 write.

Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
Deidra said…
I needed to read this tonight. So glad to hear about all the good going on in your life. Glad he got your name right, my friend!
Joanna Jenkins said…
First, I'm sorry for the loss of your friends.... that's heart-breaking.

And yes, living in the moment and appreciating life as it comes to you is very important. I'm happy for you Simone-- You have much to cherish.

xo jj
Helene said…
OMG, the saying that J says to you before he leaves for work in the morning made me giggle! So very sweet!

You are so blessed to have such a wonderful, loving family but they are just as blessed to have you in their lives as well!
Girl, you're regaining your balance!

I have lived with so much grunts and groans, but I never pass up an opportunity to cherish any moment that shows me peace and tranquility.
Buckeroomama said…
A Cherish List. I love that. You always come up with the nicest things for a better perspective on life.

Beautiful post, Simone.
Annesphamily said…
I cherish my phamily always and the dear friends I have! All the wonderful kindnesses given to me recently with the loss of my Boots. That cat was my friend and I will never get over the loss of him.
I am going to do this! Perhaps I will feel happier.
Praying for all your tests and appointments and such.
You are well loved.
Hugs Anne
Veronica Lee said…
#2 Awwww!!! So sweet!! But that's so YOU, Simone!

Have a nice day!
Jill said…
Wonderful post and so many great things to cherish! Have a lovely week Simone!

You keep me grounded Simone. What a good idea you had for making a cherish list. It makes me remember I have much to be grateful for...
Lin said…
I'm thankful every single day. Seriously. I think I try to convey that on my blog by finding tiny miracles in every little thing that is my yard and my life. Life is too short to wait for the big stuff--we have to laugh and enjoy NOW!

Looks like you have a great life, Simone! :)
I started a list like this, but have laid it aside. Thank for reminding me to pick it up again!

So glad God gave you this wonderful man.
Anita said…
The first thing that comes to my mind is the nap that I just had. I hardly ever need a nap, but today, after 5 hours of sleep last night, I tried it and was able to sleep and wake up without a headache; and to feel refreshed as I should.

Like you said, it can be the little things sometimes that make a difference. I won't be tired when the kids get home.

I'm sorry for the family and friends of those lost loved ones. I'm glad you know how to honor them, and that you and J have each other and your families.
A great reminder to see the good in things rather than the loss.
Jill said…
Just wanted to stop back and tell you I have an award for you on my blog! When you get a chance stop by!

Have a great weekend!


Sweet Tea said…
Hi GF!
Please stop by my blog and give me your input when you get some time. I'd really like to have your opinion on this and I know you'll be honest with me. Thanks!
Relyn Lawson said…
I love the thought of a cherish list. How like you and your big, loving heart.
Jenny said…
We do this in my chatroom. We call it a 'blessings' list and sometimes you have to dig pretty deep to fill it (as coffee was great today!) It's a good way to focus on the positive.
Mandy said…
I'm so glad you have that love and partner who stands by you Simone. You truly deserve it! I'm glad you're settling into your new home and feeling surrounded by newfound love and family. You will get through your health issues soon and you have all these people cheering and praying for you! Best of luck and hugs!

Sorry it's been awhile since I've checked in here. Whew! I'm now eight months pregnant and counting down. Between that and working busily full time and keeping up with Viva the diva, I've not been in blog land or Facebook land these days. Just wanted to say hi and I'm thinking of you though.


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