If My Phone Could Talk

In my line of work, I talk to people all day long - mostly by telephone. I try to make every person on the other end of the line, feel like they are my most important phone call. After all, for some, the phone can be the only ray of sunshine throughout their whole day.

A few days ago, I was talking to a lady on the phone that I had never spoken to before. My computer was running really slow, actually crawling, so I decided to make small talk while waiting for the screen to come into view. I asked her how her day was going. From that simple question, a conversation began. She spoke in broken English but I understood loud and clear; she just wanted someone to talk to. As I got ready to finish the phone conversation she asked, "Where your office? I come visit you. Say hi." I told her and she said, "Aaya! That far! Too bad!" Then she sighed. "Well, thank you for be so nice!"

The digital age we live in can either be a blessing or a curse, depending how others view us through our emails, texts, phone calls, tweets, blog posts, Facebook and other social media outlets. I created a scenario in my head...of losing my cellphone (which may not be too far from the truth one day).

Recently, I thought, "What if my phone had no identification and it was up to the person who found it to discover who I was by the texts, pictures, music and even numbers frequently dialed? Would they read a text I'd written in frustration and draw the conclusion that I was rude? Or would they consider me a gossip? Would they figure out that I loved nature by the pictures stored on my phone? Would they consider me a romantic person from my affectionate text messages to J? What would my cellphone say about me? What impression do I want to give others who read the things I've written?

I'm determined to change my attitude and live my life digitally the same way I live it live and in person. It's kind of like reinventing the saying, "If you can't say something nice, then don't say nothing at all" but instead, I'm going to adapt it a little...If what I say isn't capable of bringing joy, then it's not worth coming out of mouth!"


Mari said…
I am not surprised that you bring joy to those you speak to - in person and on the phone. I like that motto!
Brian Miller said…
proof is in the pudding eh...or the phone call record...or text list...smiles....def a good challenge
MissKris said…
My daughter worked in customer relations for several years at a big retail store. She used to feel so badly for the 'little old lady' customers who would call and order thousands of dollars worth of items, just so they could keep her talking. There are SO many lonely people out there. Bless you for caring so much, too. It used to break my daughter's heart.
Ina in Alaska said…
I work with my hubby in the law practice and speak daily with those who have problems and issues or who have been hurt. I often must realize this before I get too impatient with them (I am seriously not the most patient person...) This post is a good lesson to just take a moment to care. Thanks, I needed your message.

On the other hand I DO have a soft spot for some of our elder clients. Love them all! Some of them prefer only to speak with me. It is a humbling and endearing task.
Kind words are often so rare these days. Our society is in such a hurry. Thanks for helping me slow down for these past few mintues. Think now, I'll go peek at my phone from a stanger's point of view. Hmmmm....
Amen sister. We can either lift people up or pull 'em down. I feel by doin' the later we also go down with the ship.

I wanna be a lifter!

God bless and have a splendid day sweetie!!! :o)
Buckeroomama said…
Amen to that... and also to what Nezzy wrote! :)
Veronica Lee said…
I couldn't agree more!

Happy Wednesday, Simone!
Liz Mays said…
You probably made her day with that bit of kindness! (And the newlyweds are very happy!)
Unknown said…
I really love this about you. What a beautiful thing to do. You make others feel special every day. Thank you for being that kind of person. You inspire me in so many ways.
Linda Myers said…
You made her day. Blessings on you!
Jenny said…
I love people that walk the walk.

Good for you!

Thank you for sharing this inspiring story.

Happy Friday night!
Annesphamily said…
That is how I roll too! I have no desire to be rude or short with anyone. I spend a lot of my work day on the phone and I think they don't feel well they are scared, so I always try to be upbeat and cheerful and it is tough because I work with a bunch of non believers! Hateful women, with bad attitudes and always trying to side with the devil! It is difficult but God keeps saying have to be there! Thank you for sharing this.

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