
I made it through the surgery but dealing with lots of pain right now. I was worried about eating a full liquid diet for weeks but I really don't feel hungry as much as I am tired. I know that this too shall pass. The doctor says that the surgery was a success and for that, I am so thankful. I look forward to being able to visit with all of you soon. Thank you again!!


Mari said…
I'm so happy to hear from you. You've been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be.
Glad to hear that good report. Keep resting and get better quick!
Sweet Tea said…
I'm so glad to hear from you, Simone. What a relief to have the surgery behind you. Rest and heal and I hope the liquid diet is easier than you are anticipating. As always, I wish you well.
MissKris said…
Good to hear, Simone. Will keep you in my prayers, my friend. (((((HUG)))))
Thank you for the uptake. Take care, feel better soon and get tons of rest. Love, Debby
Brian Miller said…
woohoo i am excited...i hope that healing in the after goes well for you!
Terra said…
I am thankful your surgery was successful and you are on the road to recovery.
Joanna Jenkins said…
GREAT to hear from you Simone. I'm happy for that that all went well and send hugs and prayers that the pain eases and you feel rested soon.
Hang in there. xoxo jj
Stacy said…
I'm so glad to hear you came through everything okay and things are progressing the way they are supposed to. Take your time and get better, Sweetie, we'll all be here when you're ready. Continuing the prayers.
Shelly said…
So glad the surgery was a success! You are in my prayers~
Reyna said…
I hope you feel better soon!

Thank you for taking time to give us an update!
Rest and listen to the doctors! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xo
Thank you for the update and bless you so having the ambition to do it. Be still and rest. I'm so glad you're on the mend now.
Lin said…
Oh good! I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. Be sure to be patient with your body (and spirit) as you heal. It takes a FULL year to recover from surgery--no matter how small.

Take care of yourself, Simone. We will send prayers for a fast recovery!
Unknown said…
Take it moment by moment. We'll be here.
Linda Myers said…
Thanks for the update. Thinking of you.
Jill said…
Take it easy sweet lady and feel better soon! I'll be here when you come back. Sendings big hugs and warm wishes!

momto8 said…
good news!! take care and get all better!!
Relyn Lawson said…
OH, my dear. I will be praying for you to have lots of rest and a quick and full recovery. Sending you love and prayers.
Liz Mays said…
Wonderful news! Rest and heal yourself now!
Liz said…
I'm glad the surgery was a success and you are on your way to good health. Rest up, listen to the doctors' orders, and get better! We'll be here waiting for you to get back when you feel up to it.
Anita said…
Welcome Home!!! :)
Connie said…
Wonderful news. Take care of yourself. Get well soon.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Hi Simone, Stopping back to check in. I hope you're feeling better and on the mend.
xoxo jj
So thankful you are doing good

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