Always Surprised

I went to the mountains with about 30 something teens at a church youth camp. I took it easy...or at least planned to take it easy until I discovered that teens work on a different speed limit than us older folks. I am still feeling the exhaustion from being there. But it was well worth it!

I can't tell you how re-ignited I was being there. J and I were the guest speakers for Saturday service and together we tag team brought the message. It was incredible to see the kids intently listening. (Then again, it may be the fact that each time I said the word "taste", J threw out candy for them to catch.)

Strangely enough, the moment I arrived, J told me that my eyes lit up....that he could feel my excitement. I felt like that there was no better place for me to be at that very moment than to be there, ministering to the teens.

I was able to be myself completely although I learned quickly that I needed to take it slow. After going through the "soul train" style dance line three times too many, I was hurting and reaching for the pain meds. But, would I do it again? Heck yeah! It was worth it!

As the summer comes to a close, I am reflecting on all that has happened and I am humbled that God has given me so many adventures and experiences to  share. My life has really changed and I am not the same person that I was a year ago.

Growth can take us each by surprise. You never know when plans change in your life in a direction that you never thought possible.

Have you grown this year?


Mari said…
I'm so glad your time with the youth went well. I'm sure that they experienced growth too, after taking in what you and J had to share with them. The candy didn't hurt either. Good idea!
I'm getting ready to head in to work, but I'm excited because later today Andy is coming home for a little over a week. :)
Brian Miller said…
haha i know exactly how exhausting that can be...but uplifting as for growth...i dunno...its been a funky year quite honestly but i am trying to shake it...
Andrea said…
GOD does have a way of stretching and growing us:)

Blessings and prayers,
Mandy said…
I'm so glad to hear you're out sharing your passion and enthusiam with others. You would have been an excellent teacher. In many ways you are to your wonderful girls and those around you and us blog readers too! :-)

I'm surprised at how quickly the time has gone by for me. I felt like I was just huge and pregnant a few weeks ago. Now I've got a four month old baby. I'm surprised that it took me six weeks of working to realize that my heart is at home and now I"m a stay at home mom again.

But isn't it nice to be surprised in a good way and to have such great family to support us?

Hugs to you!
Mandy, Vivian and baby Lana

Liz Mays said…
I'm so glad your spirit was filled by that experience so much! Wonderful!
Unknown said…
Awesome! Good feelings are part of good health.
Glad to see you stopped by for a visit earlier.
Anita said…
It takes me a while to recognize my own growth. Like right now, I have to think about the year 2011; all that I did then, and how things are different now. And when I do, I smile, and say, "Oh Yeah...things "have" changed."

I am so happy to know that you are having some fun and being an angel for others at the same time.
Petula said…
Your time with the teens sounds awesome. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself and knew it's something you're supposed to be doing.

Have I changed over the past year? I'm very critical of myself and when I learn something about me I try to adjust and learn and implement as much as I can. I believe growth and change really never stop so we should be constantly evolving.
MissKris said…
Our Youth Camps around the country have been a resounding success, too. There's something about the intensity and energy of young people who love the Lord that ignites the same enthusiasm in us adults. I'm so glad you had such a blessed time!
Jill said…
Glad to see you feeling better and getting back to the swing of things.
Prayers answered :-) Have a great week!

Anonymous said…
Thinking of you and missing you!

Look for me on FB. I'd love to catch back up with you since I'm not able to get to blog land anymore very easily.

email is
Unknown said…
I hope you're feeling better.

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