Only I....

Only I --- could cut my tongue eating a graham cracker.

Only I --- could be the designated pillow for the kitty.

Only I --- could cry from hearing O Come All Ye Faithful.

Only I --- could eat seaweed for breakfast and convince myself that it is the yummiest snack there is. (Even better than Reeses Puffs Cereal)
Only I --- could develop an allergy to fish after 49 years.

Only I --- could have the joy of teaching a classroom of preschool kids in church and hearing them pray.

Only I --- could have an epic fail day in the kitchen while making caramel apples. Note to self --lose the recipe for reverse caramel apples.

Only I --- would get the same guy twice on the phone wanting to commit suicide - AGAIN. This time, though, he was threatening to take out a few people with him. Scary but true.

Only I --- could misunderstand someone that is telling me that they are "packing". She said, "I'm still living here but I'm packing." My response? "Wow, the neighborhood must be pretty bad for you to be packing (as in carrying a gun)." I think she got off the phone totally confused after talking to me. It was 10 seconds later that I realized that she was "packing to move" to a new location.

Only I --- could say, "Hey Baby" while talking on the cellphone to my daughter and passing a homeless guy at the same time. He said, "Heyyyyyy!!!"

Only I --- could have as much food as a convenience store in my desk. Three kinds of tea, two boxes of Fiber One bars, graham crackers, Lipton's cup of soup, Reeses Puff Cereal, potato chips, seaweed snacks, cheezits and pumpkin seeds. (Hey, I have to have a choice when I'm following my cravings, right?)

Only I --- could take on something thinking I would bless others but I have been amazingly blessed instead.


Brian Miller said…
nah i get blessed all the time trying to bless others....hope the tongue is reverse caramel apples?
Mari said…
I'm often a kitty pillow too and I've been known to cry while singing quite frequently. (I don't know if it's happened with that song though)
I can see you are a blessing to many, including me!
Liz Mays said…
These made me giggle. :) I'm thinking you're kinda laughing at the silliness of yourself too.
Rhonda Gales said…
Stopping by from A Woman's World. You have a new follower. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.
Sandra said…
Hahahah some of these had me giggling.

Hope you're having a good week :)
Chatty Crone said…
Good start to the morning. sandie
Love this post! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Heart2Heart said…
I love this list. I could completely relate to more than half of your list. I used to have a drawer full of convenience foods that my co-workers once commented that if there was an emergency, they knew where the food supply was.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Adam said…
I'm the kitty pillow for my gf's cat
Petula said…
Your post made me smile and chuckle 'cause it really sounds a little like me. I think it has something to do with being in a certain age bracket. The delayed reactions, the "weird" things happening, the happenstance that is really destiny... Only you can do what you do and you're doing it with finesse! Rock on! :-)
Joanna Jenkins said…
"...packing (as in carrying a gun)... You had me laughing out loud over that one, Simone. What a hoot.
xoxo jj

Veronica Lee said…
Cute list! I could eat seaweed for breakfast too!
Terra said…
I like your list, some of these are funny, and the last item is wonderful.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the chuckles this evening!
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Anita said…
I like the creativity in this post. It makes me think about my own quirks. :)
Linda Myers said…
You made me laugh late at night. Thanks!
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Sweet Tea said…
OK, I'm gonna have to find out what seaweed snacks are - never heard of that before...Girl, you are a hoot! Have a Merry Christmas!!
Jill said…
LOL, love this list and glad to see things are going well for you!
Enjoy your week.

Vegas Linda Lou said…
Been reading through some of your old posts. You are such a beautiful person. Happy Holiday, Simone! XOXO
Relyn Lawson said…
I just wanted to pop by and wish you the happiest new year. May your 2013 be full of blessings, laughter, and happy surprises. Thank you for the inspiration you share here.
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Annesphamily said…
You are beautiful and very blessed! Your rhyme and reason here at your blog always makes me think and be thoughtful~ I Love the words you write!
Annesphamily said…
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