
I feel as if I'm stuck in a time warp of sorts. Life has gone quickly by but yet, I'm moving in slow motion. If I had to do the last few months over again, I would, but with a few changes. The biggest change would be to move slower and savor each moment.

December was a blur. I wrote a children's play for the church, was a part of the church's accapella group for Christmas, was program coordinator for Angel Tree ministries and a few extra things added into the mix, not to mention making room for the family and still dealing with the chest pains and cardiologist appointments. Yes, I know what you're all going to tell me already so I will save your fingers from typing these words…"JUST SAY NO!" I have decided that although I won't say no to everything, I will learn to prioritize the things that I really want to be a part of. Unfortunately, all of those things meant a lot to me.

I can't tell you what joy I had watching the kids perform the play. Joseph and Mary were each 4 years old and they were the cutest. I will always remember Joseph walking around with his head covering over his eyes and not moving it because he was told by the costume designer "do not touch your costume at all". We also had two Marys because neither of them wanted to give up the role. For rehearsals, baby Jesus was a blue teddy bear.

Somehow I discovered that it isn't so bad to be moving in slow motion. I am still playing my Christmas cds. (Thankfully, J is a patient man and doesn't complain after hearing O Come All Ye Faithful for the 10th time.)

It's given me time to reflect on my word for this year….CREATIVITY. Being creative always puts a smile on my face. I have decided that this is the year for painting, writing (blogging included), drawing, sewing, pounding nails, singing silly songs, playing the piano, playing with Play Doh and working puzzles.

I'm interested in what your word for the year is and what this new year means for you. Please share!


Mari said…
The play sounds adorable! I'm sorry you are still dealing with chest pain and cardiologist. I hope they get to the bottom of it soon. I've been dealing with surprise heart problems and cardiologist too - for my Dad.
Great word for the year. It's something for you - just what you need! I've not done that yet, but one of these years, I'll come up with a word too.
Brian Miller said…
creativity is a cool word...and slowing down def has its benefits...had fun at a couple christmas plays myself...happy new year simone...
I like your word for this year! I'm not sure of mine....I want to change to a more productive year....I'd like to find a job so maybe employed should be my word.
Petula said…
Creativity is my life word. :-) Being creative is wonderful and covers so many areas of life. I love being a creative. Hey, did we "talk" about this already?

This year my word is commitment!
Stacy said…
Oh, I wish I could have seen the play. I miss the days of my kids being in those Christmas pageants. I didn't really get into the Christmas spirit this year between our son not speaking to us (so no grandkids) and me getting sick right before and Tim getting sick right after...and killing our 11 days of vacation...just wasn't feeling it. :/ Still having trouble shaking it, but I've chosen "intentional" as my word for the year. Rather than feeling like life is living me, I'm going to take 2013 by the horns and live the heck out of it. So far, so good. Except for the sick thing. Take care of yourself.
Annesphamily said…
You have such a good heart! I am here to wish you a beautiful and Happy New Year 2013! My job situation had been a nightmare for several years now and finally the doctor had to let the lady go! She was corresponding with men on line from foreign lands and sending money we all wondered how she obtained it across the world! I had always felt she was mentally ill and I pray that she will get the help she needs and straighten out her life. Daily I come across something she hid or tried to destroy and all I think is she may have wanted to destroy the doctor we worked for and she was doing an excellent job! So my mind was buried in work! I am hoping to streamline my blog and post as often as I can. But I come to visit and an hour later I am still posting comments on a single blog! I think as women we often take on more than we should but I understand your excitement and pleasure watching those little ones perform your play! Accept what you and remember to take care of you first and foremost! Love to you in this wonderful new beginning!
Sometimes it's good to move a bit slower girl! I just took my Christmas decorations down last Monday.

Isn't it fun to write a kids play and see it come to life. I've written many and one ended up performed in Branson. Kinda a big deal for me. Heeehehehe!

Yours sounds adorable!

We've been without a Pastor since May and Farm Boy and I have taken up the slack. We finally hired a young family who moved in last weekend! Woohoo!!!

I hate to hear your still havin' health issues...booger. You are still on my heart and in my prayers sweet sister!

God bless ya and have yourself a warm snuggly kinda day! :o)
Anita said…
Well haven't you been a busy bee! I'm happy that you've been fulfilled, however, still concerned about your health issues. I hope the new year brings you the answers and solutions you need so that you can exercise all that creativity!!!
Unknown said…
Busy lady. I'm glad to read that you're are.
Buckeroomama said…
Quite a number of people I know have decided that 2013 is going to be their "creative" year, too. Must be something in the air. :)

My words for this year: Dare. Believe. Breathe.
Unknown said…
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R's Rue said…
I need to be willing to wait this year! So hard to do! Wait for God! I always want instant gratification!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Hi Simone, I'm liking "creativity" for 2013-- I might use that word myself as I'm totally hooked on quilting these days and already have 3 more cut and waiting to be put together. Or may my word will be attitude-- I need a more positive one.

Hope the new year also brings your great health!!!

xo jj

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