Why I Married J

When I first started blogging, I was "happily" married for 21 years. Then divorce happened. The ugliness of unfaithfulness sent me spinning into a life I hadn't anticipated. Being real here...divorce is ugly. PERIOD. 

Flash forward a few years...I was at a place in my life where I discovered the Simone that I had never known. I found my voice and a place where I could finally smile again but I was lonely. I wanted to share my life with someone but not just any "someone" a God's gift to me "someone". 

In all honesty, I kissed a few toads before I found my handsome prince. I became disillusioned and distrustful, thinking that there were no more good guys. The guys that I dated really had no clue who "Simone" was. They didn't know what put a smile on my face or what made me laugh or the silly side of me. They didn't really know how much I loved the feeling of holding hands and being told that I was beautiful.

My J was that gift to me. He showed me what true love was and is all about. He brought out the innocence once more, in me. I see the world differently because of him. 

When we first met, the very first thing that attracted me to J was his faith. He lived his faith out loud. He was honest, loving, and caring. But he was "quiet". The Simone that I am, isn't necessarily quiet all the time. I have an ornery streak a mile long and when something says, "Do not touch", you bet, I will touch. But J understands me and he reminds me to take life slower and cherish the crashing of the waves on the seashore.

The very first time we were walking hand in hand, I tripped going up the stairs (no surprise there) and his reaction was to firmly grasp my hand to keep me from falling. He didn't realize just how much that little gesture showed me that he would be my protector, my faithful friend, my greatest cheerleader.

Our marriage has been less than perfect. We have had many, many challenges to deal with...one of those being my health. I will never forget that when I flatlined, the very first person who's face I saw was my J's. I cry even now remembering it. 

I married J because his love is REAL. He gets me. He is loving, faithful and values me more than his very own life. His is a listener, a lover, an encourager, a teacher. He has brought about the passion of knowing God...REALLY knowing God.

I look forward to spending the rest of my life with a man that finally gets me and loves me just the way I am....imperfections and all.

That's why I married J. I would do it over and over again.


Dawna said…
That's very lovely Simone
Mari said…
This is a wonderful tribute to your marriage, and the best "valentine" post I've seen.
Shelly said…
What a beautiful love story! I see Jer. 29:11 all through this.
Sweet Tea said…
I am so happy for you! I've been your bloggy friend for quite a while now so I remember some of those unhappy times and I'm so glad you have come full circle. You are very deserving!!738rdsifre
Veronica Lee said…
That was so beautiful, Simone!

Yep,we've been bloggy pallies since 2008 and I can see how blissfully happy your man has made you!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Hi Simone. I am so darn happy for you! You and J are the perfect match and I am so glad he's been by your side every step of your health journey. He really is a good guy.
And you really are a good catch :-)
xo jj
Relyn Lawson said…
So glad you have your J. So much love is such a gift from God. It's so wonderful that you know how much you are blessed.
Liz Mays said…
This warms my heart that you've found someone who completes you in such a perfect way. :)
Terra said…
I liked reading this post about your true love story and finding the right man. I found my right man too. God is good.
R's Rue said…
That is so sweet! It warms my heart and gives me hope!
Anonymous said…
Lovely piece.

Popping in to say hello!
Anita said…
Your passion for J, and his for you, is what will make this marriage everlasting.
Unknown said…
It's so refreshing to read about one's love for their spouse.
You're a wonderful couple.
My Yellow Bells said…
You have a beautiful story here. I hope that J is your forever after. I am happy for you

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