Laughing and crying

You KNOW it’s “one of those days” when you start it out by having M&Ms for breakfast. (Although, it could just be a good excuse for eating something I shouldn’t be.)

The truth is, it’s been more than “one of those days” – more like, “one of those weeks or months”. I keep functioning by laughing. In fact, I am beginning to think that I have Laughing Tourette’s because I find throughout the day that I’m laughing to myself.

The other day, I rolled over my toe while sitting in my office chair. Even though I thought it was broken, I laughed. It would be just one more story to tell in this endless chain of events.

I work next door to a homeless shelter. My view outside my window usually consists of people that are homeless pacing the parking lot throughout the day. A few minutes ago, I heard the loudest, heart wrenching crying coming from outside. A man passed by my window, sobbing. He continued walking, crying and 10 steps later; he was smiling, like his crying never happened.

I thought about how often I have felt like that lately….full on screaming or crying. I really think that crying like that would be cleansing or exhausting. 

But, right when I feel overwhelmed from pain or from fear or sadness, I find something to laugh about.

This morning, while listening to the radio, I heard about the parents of a little girl that drove around with her and her puppy in the dog carrier in the back of their pickup. When pulled over, the parents were puzzled about why they were stopped by the police officer. 

"She was strapped down," the dad said.

"She hadn't seen her puppy for 3 weeks and didn't want the puppy to be without her," said her mom.

"And she had plenty of kibble," the dad replied.

Seriously??? I can't even wrap my thoughts around something so asnine.

Then, I started to think how often I forget to look for laughter but it always finds me. The funny (no pun intended) thing about laughter is that it never comes in a neatly wrapped package. There is always a snort or a few tears to go along with it. 

Today is one of those days I need a good laugh so tell me something funny!


I hope I can tell you this and you will laugh....Little Jack is here...He has no filter...I was in Target this afternoon with him and gave him some money to pay for his toys...He walks up to the check out and looks right at the checker and says WOW you have a GOLDEN TOOTH....Hey GRAMMY look she has a GOLDEN TOOTH....Thank goodness she was not offended and laughed too...Get me out of the store..
Mari said…
Laughter can help us get through the hard times. I remember sitting in the hospital with my sister when she lost her twins. We were all devastated but yet there was laughter - and then tears. Laughter is a gift for sure and I'm glad you're still laughing!
Brian Miller said…
i feel you...i got blindsided by one of the saddest things i can imagine yesterday...and i am still reeling...need to find me a laugh...and fast...
Shelly said…
A merry heart does good like a medicine, and you are dosing yourself very well. You are right on with this- laughter is such a powerful weapon against that which would try and take us down. Good for you! (And OUCH on the toe!)
Aw, I'm sorry to hear you are sad. Hope your days are better. Gentle hugs and prayers.
Unknown said…
I just shared your post via Twitter. It's so important for us to be able to laugh even when we're hurting.
Stacy said…
Laughter is my favorite way of dealing with life. Once in a while we need a good cry, but on the whole I'd rather laugh. And yes, I do sometimes laugh at the most inappropriate times. :/
Reyna said…
O.K. Simone, I love the M&Ms for breakfast part and also how you can so easily express with humor and candor what most of us feel and can relate to, but I am not giving you what you asked for in the way of a joke.

I am encouraging a good cry (at the right time & place because it may not go over very well at work).
Then you can be cleansed enough to laugh from a healed,whole heart-that deep-felt sincere laugh that so many know and love!
Unknown said…
Laughter does help but I'm telling ya M&M's for breakfast always help me cheer up!
Unknown said…
M&M's for breakfast always cheer me up!
Veronica Lee said…
Laughter is after all, the best medicine. So sorry about your toe.

Laughter is also my automatic defense when I'm embarrassed, sad or hurting.
Relyn Lawson said…
I just wanted to thank you so much for being a faithful bloggy friend. You come to my blog, read what I share and leave a kind comment. All when I have been almost nonexistent for over a month. Thank you, thank you. It means so much to me.

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