A book is born! (Actually four).

This is the first of four books that are being launched next year! When I discovered my love for writing, I was about 4 or 5. In school, my first essay was, "I like corn!" I think it was the teacher that had us write about something we liked or disliked. 

I have always had books in my head that just need to be written. Neecy and Nay Nay book series came from my very own life as an identical twin. I was called Neecy as a child and my twin sister was Nay Nay so it was a given that the books would be called Neecy and Nay Nay.

I won't put out any spoilers of the books but I can attest to the hilarious adventures, so so true of our lives growing up as twins. Neecy, is a doctor wanna be and loves big words. That is me to a T. I love learning about surgical techniques and I will even test on some techniques online because I'm so fascinated. I also love, love big words so the books will always have a glossary of big words at the end of each book.

The twins are adventurous, helpful and always trying to do their part to make others smile. But, they also have their share of mishaps which lead to hilarious problem solving.

The first two books will be launched on February 4, 2025 and are ready for pre-orders. Book three is also ready for pre-orders. You can order at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, Little Bee Books, and all bookstores

Also, if you order, please let me know! Thank you so much!!


Mari said…
So exciting! Now I can say I am friends with an author. :)
I'll be ordering. I think my little Cassie will like this. She's a book lover!
Chatty Crone said…
It is exciting. And I am friends with the author too - I will try to buy one for my Granddaughter in law for her school class.
Veronica Lee said…
Congrats on the launch of Neecy and Nay Nay! I love that the books are inspired by your own twin adventures. Neecy sounds like such a fun character with her love of big words! The glossary idea is brilliant. Best of luck with the launch in February!
Stacey W said…
That's amazing to hear!! I'm excited to hear more about how the launch goes. I've got a carpet cleaning scheduled this weekend so I have some downtime to online shop for Christmas. I'll definitely look into pre-orders for my granddaughters!
Wow, impressive. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

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