Valentine's day is overrated

I'm sorry but I'm not in the best of moods so if you want to move pass my blog, that's fine.

I'm going to lay it out right here. Boo isn't romantic. He doesn't seem to give a rip that it's a special day for lovers. He isn't sentimental when it comes to holidays either. So, mix that with someone like me that loves, gets silly, lights up, anticipates the day and it's a spontaneous combustion. I didn't even get a card. I got an email yesterday from him, although he's in the same exact house, that said, "Happy Valentine's Day". Nothing more, nothing less.

I hate to admit this but for honesty sake, that's totally a turn off for me. I need someone that lights up or at least understands how silly and sentimental I am on days like this. I'm trying not to hit the "reminisce button" the one where I think about my ex and I and how he knew that Valentine's day meant the world and where gifts were special, treasured and romantic.

To top it off, we disagreed about something that may even become a deal breaker = engagement is off. That still remains to be seen.

So, before Valentine's day is officially over, I'm going in search of a slice of cheesecake in honor of "me".


Unknown said…
Hey I agree!!! I got nothing.. well nothing more than you read in my blog at least.. it was nice.. but I could have had more :( She actually went out after she got off work in the morning with people from work before she even came home! Imagine how I felt! lol
Kathy said…
My dear husband thinks that Valentine's Day is a "Hallmark holiday" so I didn't get squat either. So, here's a big valentine's day hug from one blogger to another to make you feel better.

Sandi said…
I wish so bad you were closer to me. I want cheesecake. We can share a pity party.
Anonymous said…
We don't do anything much - but despite telling him not to I always get flowers. I agree with the cards and stuff - it is a rip off.
You do need a bit of romance in your life occasionally though. Hope you sort things out.

Happy Saturday!!
Veronica Lee said…
Both hubby and I are bah humbugs when it comes to Valentine's Day. It's just like showing your love for 1 day in a year.
That Janie Girl said…
Girl. Here's a hug for you.
Deb said…
You are right! It is overrated. Now cheesecake is NOT overrated. Hope you found some and that it was delish!!!!

I hope things get better for you.
Pancake said…
Hey you... yeah I know I said I was on blog break, but I read your blog, I am thinking about you. Did you and Boo patch things up? Wedding still on? ARE YOU OK?

(I know he did the same thing for Christmas, then surprised you with the ring, did he surprise you??)
Hey Girl, Sorry to hear you guys hit a bump in the road. I hope it can work itself out.

Have some cheesecake for me too.....Mmmmmm Sounds so good!
Radical Selfie said…
Well, look at the bright side...that was a very valid excuse to have a slice of cheesecake! Also, what if you did something really sweet for him on Valentine's Day (or his birthday, etc.). Perhaps he'd see how it made him feel and get an idea of why it matters so much to you. I know, I know, men can be so clueless and there's a strong possibility that he will NOT get the idea, but perhaps it's worth a shot??
travel girl said…

I'm not much into card holidays but I admit, it was nice to have a special someone. I didn't get a card either but he did make me lobster.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Yeah, Valentine's is overrated and it is a Hallmark holiday, blah, blha, blah... but let's put all that aside. The fact is, your beloved no doubt knew it was an important holiday to you, and that's what should have counted. Come on, Boo, play along! Nothing's more important than making the one you love feel good. Points off, for sure. I'd be pissed, too!
Unknown said…
Seems Boo and Whynot may be long lost brothers LOL. I'm a little late, but I'll be your Valentine. Target has 75% off on the Valentine's Day leftovers, I'll run right over. I also make a MEAN cheesecake

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