Things I Learned Thursday

Before I get into this, I have to give a disclaimer...this is not stuff that I learned in one day's time. I'm not that much of a sponge....just pretend to be one! LOL

1) Vinegar spilled on the floor (ie, broken glass decanter, smells like dog barf.

2) Don't pull on a string hanging from my shirt. It may very well be the string that holds the whole shirt together. (Picture this..holding a ball of string that used to be a shirt...not good.)

3) An elderly doctor just taught me this...If you lose some thing and someone else finds it and doesn't return it, I guess it meant that they needed it more. (That explains why my ex husband is in the arms of a 21 year old.)

4) Broccoli and cauliflower are both "flowers" but cauliflower tastes like cow poop. Go figure.

5) He who laughs lasts, makes a fool out of themselves. It's better to end your laugh at the same time as everyone else. If not, you will be considered rude and discourteous.

6) Never take a two year old to a bbq where only adults are present....especially adults who use 3 and 4 letter words often.

7) I can blame my being overweight on my parents. They made me eat all of the food in my plate or else I couldn't get down from the table. I wonder if Jerry Springer needs any new guests on his show??

8) A ham sandwich left in my desk at work for a week doesn't smell spoiled or like salmonella at all.

9) Facebook is a place to remember the people that you I would rather forget.

10) The greatest love, friendship and support can be found on the internet.


travel girl said…
I agree with number 10!!!
Vegas Linda Lou said…
That's funny--I was always grateful that my parents never made me eat everything on my plate or foods I didn't like. Sometimes it's best to have parents who kind of don't give a crap.
I agree with number 10. Butler agrees with number 6. I don't know what Bagman agrees with because he's run off to pull all the loose strings he can find...
Joanna Jenkins said…
I learned that it never fails-- At a special family gathering with special guests, the youngest child at the table will start a conversation that begins some like.... "Do girls fart?"

And I left you a surprise on my blog post today. Enjoy!
i love it! you are totally cracking me up! i am giving you a big shout out on the cleaning up your dinner plate and being a little's totally our parents fault!!!! and i hate to say it, but vinegar smell is horrible...but not worse than a hubs in the arms of a little 21 year old...sad.
Anonymous said…
I couldn't agree more with #10.
Deidra said…
Number five made me laugh out loud. And of course no one else is laughing.'s funny, and true.
Debz said…
For #6 I'll apologize up front and tell you it's a good thing you didn't take me up on my offer. I tend to have a mouth like a sailor at times.


For #8 Ewww...just ewww.
Lin said…
Yea for the blog pallies!! Sure they don't see the "real" me, all ugly and smarty-aleck and hate me--they just are so supportive ALL the time. It's nice to have a group who loves you unconditionally, isn't it.

And I'm with you on Facebook. That's why I refuse to sign up. Those in the past are best left there. We don't have contact for a reason.
Veronica Lee said…
I agree with #10. And you are one of those friendships.
Nana said…
Simone, I LOVE cauliflower! You have to boil it & then fry it. It's so yummy!
Lion-ess said…
true about fb..
I'm cutting down my fb bit by bit... deleted all my albums this weekend. it's like a drug.. you can't go cold turkey at all.
Julie D said…
Great post! I'm here getting caught up on my blog reading...finally. Happy Sunday!

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