Giving back the soil - butt naked
I don't know why this memory crossed my mind but it did.
Years ago, when I was still dating my ex, we were hanging out at his parents house. A homeless guy came up the driveway and asked if he could have a drink from the water hose. I went inside, as dude started to drink from the hose. Minutes later, the hose was still on. I figured he must've really been thirsty! Not! Dude had stripped completely in the front yard and was running the hose over his body. My ex said, "Dude, what are you doing?" I will never forget his response...he said, "I'm giving back the soil." I mean, homeless and strung out and he was going green...way back when! Imagine that!
My ex told him that he had to get his clothes on. Dude asked to use the, the ex let him in the house. I was freaked out by then. Dude was in the bathroom for at least 10 minutes and the ex knocked on the door. "Hey, are you okay in there?" He opens the door, still naked and has a razor, shaving his hair. The ex says, "Dude, you can't do this! You've got to leave." So, homeless dude takes his naked self out the door and goes back to the water hose and continues to finish giving back the soil.
I called the cops. I'll be darn if I watch dude bathing in the front yard. The cops came and asked, "What are you doing?" His reply? "I'm giving back the soil."
They asked him to stop bathing so that they could talk to him. So, he sat, naked, on the curb, soaking wet.
Turns out, before giving back the soil, he had taken a bit of elephant tranquilizer (can't think of the street name for it right name but similar to pcp). Needless to say, he had to throw on some shorts as he was led into the squad car. I wonder if he's still earth conscious?
Years ago, when I was still dating my ex, we were hanging out at his parents house. A homeless guy came up the driveway and asked if he could have a drink from the water hose. I went inside, as dude started to drink from the hose. Minutes later, the hose was still on. I figured he must've really been thirsty! Not! Dude had stripped completely in the front yard and was running the hose over his body. My ex said, "Dude, what are you doing?" I will never forget his response...he said, "I'm giving back the soil." I mean, homeless and strung out and he was going green...way back when! Imagine that!
My ex told him that he had to get his clothes on. Dude asked to use the, the ex let him in the house. I was freaked out by then. Dude was in the bathroom for at least 10 minutes and the ex knocked on the door. "Hey, are you okay in there?" He opens the door, still naked and has a razor, shaving his hair. The ex says, "Dude, you can't do this! You've got to leave." So, homeless dude takes his naked self out the door and goes back to the water hose and continues to finish giving back the soil.
I called the cops. I'll be darn if I watch dude bathing in the front yard. The cops came and asked, "What are you doing?" His reply? "I'm giving back the soil."
They asked him to stop bathing so that they could talk to him. So, he sat, naked, on the curb, soaking wet.
Turns out, before giving back the soil, he had taken a bit of elephant tranquilizer (can't think of the street name for it right name but similar to pcp). Needless to say, he had to throw on some shorts as he was led into the squad car. I wonder if he's still earth conscious?
Health information & Humor & Fun World
I would have totally freaked out !!
I'm still trying to find the sentence where you explain why your ex thought it a good idea to let a naked, wet, homeless guy into the bathroom... and was it his razor, or one of yours?!
Oh. My.
Justine :o )
Great story!
Why a naked homeless man reminded me of a Disney... we may never know.
(I think it was the "Giving back the soil")
~stopping by via SITS~
You're a great storyteller :-)