I'm a Blogger and I'll Blog if I want to, Blog if I want to, Blog...

I interrupt this song for a special shout out to a lurker that hasn't introduced herself. The message is strictly aimed at her so ahem...excuse me for a minute.

Estimada Mujer de mi Ex marido, (Usted sabe quién usted es).

Estoy enterado que usted lee mi blog. Yo no tengo problema con que siempre que usted se dé cuenta de que cuando blogueo, hablo de material que es la verdad y si la verdad duele, ah bien. Yo no he mencionado su nombre ni mi ex nombre. Lo único que muestra es mi imagen y yo puedo ser cualquiera de dondequiera.

Usted tomó lo que no perteneció a usted. Usted se separó una familia. Usted destruyó un casamiento. Sí, usted tuvo ayuda pero si le molesta que blogueo, yo no le puedo ayudar allí. Aquí en EEUU nosotros tenemos lo que es llamado libertad de expresión y yo ejercito ese derecho de hablar.

Si usted encuentra que es dañoso leer que su marido tuvo una vez una vida feliz antes que usted entrara en ello, eso también no es mi problema. Es la verdad.

Yo no tengo problemas con usted leyendo mi blog. De hecho, usted puede aprender unas pocas cosas. Pero, de aquí en fuera, si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, siéntase libre utilizar a su traductor y el comentario.

Okay, so back to the blog post. I am not easily rattled for those of you that know me well. I can smile and sing and go on about my business but it's been brought to my attention that I've had someone interested in my life, present and past that needed addressing. No problem but I would rather that that person took the opportunity to ask any and all questions she may have, directly to me.

In the meantime, the forum is now open for all of you to ask me any and all questions as well. I promise, I will answer every single one of them. They can be stupid questions, serious, thought provoking, I'll do my very best.

For those that need a translation here it is...

Dear Wife of my Ex husband, (You know who you are.)

I am aware that you are reading my blog. I have no problem with that as long as you realize that when I blog, I talk about stuff that is the truth and if the truth hurts, oh well. I haven't mentioned your name or my ex's name. The only thing that does show is my picture and I can be anyone from anywhere.

You took what didn't belong to you. You broke up a family. You destroyed a marriage. Yes, you had help but if it bothers you that I am blogging, I can't help you there. Here in the U.S. we have what is called freedom of speech and I'm exercising that right to speak.

If you find that it's hurtful to read that your husband once had a happy life before you came into it, that's also not my problem. It's the truth.

I have no problems with you reading my blog. In fact, you may learn a few things. But, from here on out, if you have any questions, feel free to use your translator and comment.

I'll blog if I want to, you would blog to if it happened to youuuuuu!!!


tangerine: said…
you are so bad.
Simone! I am sorry if I forgot to tell you! We just moved to a less expensive house...1200 a month was more then we wanted to continue to pay...we just moved across town
mzbehavin said…
wow...... My mouth is hanging open, here.... ( yeah, so it's an unattractive look.... I'll close it)

Do ya think she'll be back???

Jennifer said…
Woah, woah, woah! This is crazy!!! AGH! LOL!
Sandi said…
You Go Girl! I am so proud of you!
Sweet Tea said…
You are so shy & timid.
You need to speak up, Girl!
I love it!
Blog on!

Question -
How long were you married to your ex? How long have you been divorced? Is that too personal?
You said to ask.
Cinder Rail'lee said…
Your Spanish is Muy bueno mi amiga!
aye, aye, aye.. LOL

I thought for a minute I was talking to my sister in law! I used the translator LOL

ALL I can say is YOU GO GIRL!
Anne H said…
How do you say "Take an Effin' Hike" or "Step Off, B*tch!" in Spanish?
Lin said…
Yeah, Simone. Maybe she shouldn't read things if she doesn't want to know things from your side. Why do I think she's raggin' at him about it all?? It makes me laugh to think of that scenario. They deserve each other in a sick kinda way.

You are better off without him (and her).
Kwana said…
You said it there! Blog on.
Nana said…
LOL! I love it! |I didn't know you spoke spanish!
Julie D said…
Oh let me at her! If the whore that broke up MY marriage started reading my blog, I would tear her up. LOL It's been 4 years but I still have plenty to say to her given chance and opportunity!!!!

You go, girl. But you left out one important Spanish word when addressing her.

Puta. :)
Veronica Lee said…
Bravo, Simone!!

Happy 4th July!!
@LA Girl, I was married for 21 years to my ex. We knew each other for 3 1/2 years before we got married. I've been divorced for 2 1/2 years. No, it's not too personal at all.

I didn't meet Boo until the divorce was being processed. He was a total gift from heaven.
Anonymous said…
I've been lurking here for a while, but i love your blog!


1) do you truly believe your ex was happy? i'm sure there's more to the story than him cheating. i think you once said it wasn't the first time?
2) do you still have feelings for him? As in if you were single would you have taken him back?
@Razzz - yes, years before, he had cheated. He told me that he was no longer attracted to me because I used to be a size 3 when we first got married (before kids) and now, size 12. The girl that he's with is just as old as our oldest daughter, 21 and probably wears a size 1. So, more than likely he was searching for someone different than me.

No. I do not have feelings for him - those feelings left shortly after I found out that he cheated once again. The thing about divorce and kids are involved is that there are still memories that were made when the kids were growing up. There's no way to siphon the memories so that it's just me in the picture and the kids. So, the memories do exist and many of them are fond memories. I hold on to the hurt and pain that I have experienced through the divorce as a reminder that I will never put myself through that again. So, no, I would never consider having a relationship with him ever again.

Glad you decided not to lurk!
Lilly said…
Oh my way to go!!!! Gosh I lead a boring blog life compared to some!!
Liz Mays said…
Good for you! I don't even know what that says but I know you gave somebody a piece of your mind!!
travel girl said…
Do you really sspeak and write spanish??
I love women who call it like it is and are not afraid to speak it either!!
Anonymous said…
Way to speak your mind! Go get 'her!
Justine said…
Oh yeah, you tell that foreign bitch!

Justine :o )
I love your style! If you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen!!!
Anonymous said…
hm... funny text )
Anonymous said…
в конце концов: отлично!! а82ч
Anonymous said…
It is interesting. You will not prompt to me, where to me to learn more about it?
Anonymous said…
Отличная статья! большое спасибо автору за интересный материал. Удачи в развитии!!! :)
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