Things I Learned Thursday

I'm thrilled!! I have 100 followers! Thank you so much for keeping in touch and reading my blog. It means lots.

Stay tuned....three giveaways are coming. One will be here for CCD, the other will be for the new children's book blog and the other, On Being. Speaking of On Being, the format is changing. I will be using that blog to interview you..all of you interesting blog pallies. If you'd like to be interviewed by moi', please drop me an email. You have to be willing to be put on the hot seat some what but know too, that if you don't want to answer a question, you can always say, "I decline to answer that one!"

Okay...on to Things I Learned Thursday...

1) Never let a two year old comb my hair. Can we say, OUCH????

2) I'm now convinced that the IRS should be known as the Internal Rectal System. Seriously!!!

3) I'm convinced that smoking is good for your health if you're willing to give up the nicotine and try my new smoke invention...Lucky Smokes. It's all natural and one of it's main ingredients is one that is frequently found in my house, crickets. By the way, I don't smoke, have never smoked and won't ever smoke but when God gives you an idea, you have to go with it, right?

4) My gray hairs are becoming more noticeable. Just ask Baby Boo who was pulling my hair and when asked why she was "hurting Momo" she said, "Cause you have fuzz in your hair." So much for the grays hiding out.

5) Little things like a packet of Kool-aid will put a smile on Boo's face.

6) This is according to TV Boo...if you wear a french cut biking with the butt cheeks hanging out, be prepared for a chick fight. Apparently, two women almost got into a cat fight when the one jumped in the pool wearing a French bikini. The other lady yells, "Don't you dare get in this pool." The French Bikin lady says (among other things), "This is the way we wear our bikinis in Europe. Besides you're just jealous cause you're fat." I sure wish I would've been there to blog (and take pictures).

7) I am inspired when I have a good ink pen. I'm uninspired if the ink pen doesn't write right.

8) The times when I'm less stressed is when there's only the sounds of nature as background music.

9) It's been years since I've been to the beach and I miss hearing the waves crashing and smelling the salty air. I think a beach trip is on my things to do while I'm unemployed list.

10) I love kissing and making up!

What have you learned?


Unknown said…
LOL@#2 too funny Simone

Loved your list and congrats on 100 followers-it makes ya feel so good right?
Kwana said…
Love the Fuzz in the air comment.

I learned. That I can't hied the gray very well anymore either. You are so not alone.
Unknown said…
I'm having difficulty keeping my gray hairs covered these days. Maybe that's a sign?!
Lion-ess said…
I miss the beach so much. I really took it for granted while living in the Caribbean.

I can't wait to read the children book. My mum use to pull out my dad's grey hair, but now they're been going too much so she gave up!
Sheryl said…
Congrats on your 100 followers. I loved some of the things you learned.

Today I learned that just when you don't think you're getting through to your teenager they go off and show you how much they love you.
Pick me!! Pick me!! Although I don't know if I'd make a good interviewee...I'm very introverted!!

Hallie :)
Jeanette said…
I'd love your blog. Way fun!

And I'd love to be interviewed too. Is a comment as good as an email?
Veronica Lee said…
I can't hide the gray strands either and it's getting harder to get the boys to pull them out.
Liz Mays said…
The gray hairs ARE getting harder and harder to find, aren't they? I hate that!

Yippee to 100 followers!!!!
Nana said…
Hey honey! I can't wait for the giveaways and congrats for the 100 followers, you are the best! I've learned that:
1- when you drink coffee everyday, when you stop, you will suffer from coffee withdrawal; headaches, low energy..
2-Not eating is something you get used to, after a couple days of starvation.
3-I'm probably anemic, whch explains why I'm SO pale all the time.
4-Swimming is easy! All you need is some common sense.
I would love to be interviewd and would love to interview you sound like such a neat lady.
Loved your list.
Sweet Tea said…
You're FAMOUS!!
You have all one hundred because you're so funny, a great writer, and we LOVE you! So bask in your glory!!

I learned if I sleep very late in the morning then I'm not sleepy at night. I'm a slow learner. Duh!
Sweet Tea said…
BTW, I'd like to be interviewed, I think. After all -

"I wanna talk about me, I wanna talk about I, I wanna talk about number one oh my me my..."

You get the idea.
Lin said…
Hey, congrats on the 100!! I was at 99 forever and finally I had to ask someone, anyone, to be my 100. Geesh. Does that count??

Hey, you can interview me if you are desperate!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
LOL, I love the gray hair! Baby Boo, was trying to get the lint out eh? LOL

You crack me up
zunzun said…
I learned that if you don't eat all day you might just binge all of those days!LOL

Also...soda consumption begets more soda consumption...the best thing for thrist is water...just wish I'd remember that when I'm jonesing for more soda.

Oh yeah..and if you don't put a diaper on your 7 month old (because I was about to bathe him)he will choose that time to poop himself...ALWAYS cover their butts (I'm a little slow sometimes!)
Mariah said…
internal rectal system... HAHAHA!
Vodka Mom said…
I loved this list.

I have learned that it is never too late to follow your dreams.

and always carry Altoids. always.
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Congratulations on 100 followers! I have "Follower Envy"! Great job on your blog, Simone--always entertaining and thoughtful!
Elle Bee said…
I have learned that if I need to laugh, I should just come read your blog. You're a delight! Congratulations on 100 followers. That's wonderful!

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