I Love My Girls

If I don't boast enough about my daughters, it's only because I don't want to be accused of being an "obnoxious" mommy but I sure love them both.

As I look at where my life was BD (before divorce) and where I am AD (After Divorce), I don't know where I would be if I didn't have my girls to get me through some moments. They saw me cry many tears. They saw through the "trying to be tough and smile and laugh" in spite of them knowing that I was crying and so very angry inside. They encouraged me to believe that I am beautiful and loving and a wonderful woman. In fact, I have saved voice mails and even emails and letters that I listen to and read over and over again.

As much as they have been here for me, I do my best to be there for them. That doesn't mean that they don't respect me as mommy because they do but they will say in a heartbeat, my mom is my one of my closest friends...and I believe that with all of my heart.

Today, my TV Boo called me and asked if I could rescue her. I didn't know what kind of rescuing she needed but I told her I was there. Turns out, she wanted me to keep her company while she grocery shopped. So I did. She put stuff in the cart while I marveled over items..."Oh loo, pumpkin butter!" "That Wasabi Teriyaki sauce sounds delicious!"

It may not seem like much but when it comes down to it, these are the moments that memories are made of. Nothing is a chore when it comes to spending time with my girls. They both have wonderful guys in their lives and I have a terrific son in law and maybe one to be BUT, there is no greater joy than to still spend time laughing and sharing with them. With them, there's no hiding the real me...they have seen me even when I was ashamed to see "me" and they accept me more than anything, just as I am.


Unknown said…
What a great group of supportive ladies.
Thank you for all the positive words.
I know you'll be fine too.
Kwana said…
What a beautiful post. You are all blessed to have each other.
Heart2Heart said…
What you allowed your daughters to see both BD and AD was the strength you can possess when things seem at an all time low. They saw how you dealt with things and how you overcame it all through God's help.

You provided a teachable moment through your example and one that wouldn't have been learned any other way than living through it with you.

You are a survivor and have shown the strength to overcome adversity and come out of it looking beautiful and alive.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Liz Mays said…
They saw you get out of a bad situation, heal, and get into a happy, fulfilling situation. That was a lesson they'll always take with them.
Deidra said…
I'm sure what you see in your daughters is what they've learned from you! What a blessing to be able to call them friends.
Elle Bee said…
Good daughters come from good mamas! They have learned to be strong, graceful women because of you! I love the way you love your girls. :o)
Unknown said…
That is a great post and it sounds like you and your daughters have a terrific relationship with each other!
Ina in Alaska said…
In addition to having wonderful daughters you seem to be a wonderful friend and example to them of how to be one. I loved your rescue of TV Boo at the grocery store! The Wasabi Teriyaki Sauce sounds luscious to me too!!

I have been enjoying spending quality time with my "recovering from surgery" husband. We had the best time ever on Saturday afternoon sitting in our chairs and watching the Little League World Series game. And the 13 year olds on the LL team from Chula Vista beat San Antonio. I just love baseball! Great future players!!
Veronica Lee said…
You are so blessed! I agree with Elle Bee. Good daughters do come from great moms.

There's a Chinese saying that goes something like this.

"When choosing a kitten, take a look at the mother cat"

It means when you're choosing a wife, look at your future mom-in-law!!
Veronica Lee said…
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Mothers and daughters are the best. I've got three sisters (no brothers!) and we're all close to each other and to our mom. In fact, if you asked us each individually who mom's favorite is we'd each say, "Me!" Clearly, you've got the same wonderful relationship with your beautiful girls.;-)
tiki_lady said…
family is everything. we tend to hurt them the most or they see us at our worst and they accept us. what great love and trust your daughter has in you to just call you up and rescue her and go shopping with her. I hope that my daughters know that I'm there for them too.
Joanna Jenkins said…
What a beautiful, thoughtful and heartfelt post. I hope both your daughters read it. You are all blessed to have each other.
Cinder Rail'lee said…

Thank you for the offer =/ scary stuff around here. I'll tell ya. looks like we're fogged in.

Glad you had a good time yesterday!

Love spending time with my boys!
Buckeroomama said…
What a blessing.

Your girls are that way because of you, so kudos to you. :)
The Peach Tart said…
My 25 year old daughter and I are the same way. Tight and happy and accepting of all the good, bad and ugly.
ethelmaepotter! said…
Mothers and daughters. I am happy and proud to say my daughter and I share the same type of relationship that you have with your daughters. Thank you for reminding me what a special relationship that is.
Your daughters are blessed to have such beautiful and loving mom to set an example for them. God bless!!!
What a sweet post and what lucky girls to have you.
Justine said…
{{{{{{{{{{{Simone}}}}}}}}} What a beautiful post! I love it that your daughter needed to be "rescued", but just really wanted your company while she shopped. That's got to make you feel GREAT!

Justine :o )
Unknown said…
There is something so amazing about a healthy mother/daughter relationship. I am so grateful for my daughter. My daughter is 31 yrs old and it's been a great 31 years.

Found you through FRAU...
glad I did!
Anonymous said…
Soo happy you are so close with your girls. They are lucky to have you!
Suz said…
Those moments with my mother are the things that I cherish now that she is gone to be with Jesus. Those times are real and intimate (even shopping for groceries) and are a special kind of sharing. I am glad you have those times.
Unknown said…
i am reminded so often why i read your wonderful blog.
what a beautiful post.
Mariah said…
My BD self and MY AD self are so different thanks to the amazing support circle that I had. My kids say it all too and i believe it has made them stronger and more aware of what they're worth!
Ev`Yan Whitney said…
I've read this a few times, but haven't commented because I don't know what to say! I mean, sheesh... way to make a girl blush & want to boo-hoo!

You know I love you, Mommy, with all of my heart -- it goes without saying! Thank you for this post dedicated to me & Jarebear. You are our rock, & without you, we'd be nothing.

Okay, we'd be SOMETHING... just not as awesome as we are now. ;]

-- Married Boo!
Vegas Linda Lou said…
I agree, every mother should have a daughter.

Your girls sound like wonderful young women--you have a right to be proud of them. And of yourself.

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