You Have to Kiss a Few Toads...

before you meet your handsome prince. I used to always tell my daughters that and then, suddenly, I was out there, back in the dating scene again, kissing a few toads. I never planned on being single again in my forties and in fact, in my thirties, I remember commenting, "I can't imagine doing the single thing again. I'm so glad that my marriage is stable and I don't have to worry about finding Mr. Right. Wrong!!!! Boy, was I ever wrong!

My always in the back of my mind saying is, "Feel the fear and do it anyway" and that's what I did. Once I knew in my heart that I would never revisit the marriage that I once had, I began to think about dating. But, it had been years since I dated and I didn't know where to begin. Heck, I didn't even know how to flirt. So, I took the leap and went head on into online dating. I NEVER thought I'd go there. But, in order to live by my mantra, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway", I had to give it a try, and try I did.

One perspective "date" which I'll refer to now as the P.I. (Private Investigator), seemed to be nice but a bit too attached still to his failed marriage. He spoke often of her and how she ruined him. Yet, "I was the one"...the one who was going to make him forget about her. I think not. We finally arranged to meet face to face, (nervous as I was and not feeling hopeful), he answered the phone groaning and in pain. Apparently, he was doubled over with stomach pains. He kept saying, "Oh God, Oh God!" So, I said, "Uh, do you want me to call someone like 9-1-1?" He didn't respond besides groaning, so I did what I thought was best and hung up. I prayed that he still had the capability of dialing 9-1-1 on his own. The next day, he called and explained that he had suffered an anxiety attack at the thought of seeing me. Whew! Relief! I thought it was something he ate! But, the good thing was that it gave me a chance to say, "I sure wouldn't want you to suffer from going out on a date with me so maybe you should just give it time." (I lost his number and hopefully, he lost mine.)

The next guy was one I'll call the buddy pal relationship. He was handsome but kissing wasn't on his agenda nor was a "real" date. He only wanted a fishing buddy. I was open to fishing because, I figured if I shared an interest in the things he liked, then he'd share an interest in the things I liked. Wrong! I was nothing more than a fishing buddy. The closest I got to him was a hug and then a handshake. I even offered to learn how to fillet the fish (of course, he'd have to teach me) but he declined saying that he'd rather do it himself. Bye buddy ol' pal!

The next guy told me that I was the ONE sent from heaven above to be his baby girl's mommy. It seems, his wife had died of cancer and his baby girl, Kaylie was missing her something awful but praying every night for a mama. I was it. He just KNEW that I was it. His picture was model quality. In fact, it resembled a head shot out of a Mervyns advertisement. His picture of his darling little angel was precious. I was a sucker and fell for the "My life feels complete now that I have you" line. He wrote of how lonely he was but faithful. We laughed together. I shared my thoughts and dreams with him...still unknowing that I wasn't going to be kissing no handsome prince but a snake.

....To Be Continued.....


Jeanette said…
I can't wait to hear more. Being one in the throws of dating in my 40's, I love these stories.
Don't stop now......I want to hear the rest! You are a brave girl to kiss so many to find your prince!
Buckeroomama said…
What a cliffhanger! Can't wait for the next instalment. :)
Anne H said…
Someone doubled over, holding their stomach, going "Og God, oh, God!"
Yeah, I get that a lot, too!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
ROFL. .. Oh Go..Oh..God. I'm so glad you lost his number..
You left us on the edge of our SEAT!

I saw you called last night! Sorry was out with the family then came back and had dinner!

According to Daniel I wasn;t allowed to answer the phone, or talk while eating dinner (he made a HUGE Pasta and Caesar salad!)

Mom, I'm giving you the rules YOU set forth.. NO CELL, and NO phone at the table!

The Peach Tart said…
I can't wait to hear the next chapter.

I did internet dating for a couple of years after my divorce and certainly kissed my share of frogs.

Luckily I found Mr. Peach Tart after he had just moved to Atlanta and the frog was a prince this time. Five years later we're still living and loving.
Deidra said…
Oh boy, I can't wait to hear the rest!
Veronica Lee said…
LOL, this is getting interesting.

Can't wait for the rest of the story!!
Kwana said…
Woah! I'm glued. This is riveting. You have a book here. Title and all. Please keep going! Poor you... and yes, you are the bravest of them all!
Ina in Alaska said…
Hooked! and staying tuned for more......
Anonymous said…
AARRHG You're leaving me hanging!!!
ok that hilarious!

:) you are so fun....
Heart2Heart said…
You know this is where I would be as well if I had not found anyone by this time, online dating would be an option, since bars and clubs are not where you find your life long hubby.

Can't wait to hear all your dating horror stories and I feel for you and hope that there is a prince coming down that path!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Leslie said…

That first one was a hoot!
Joanna Jenkins said…
To be continued?!?!?!?! You're killing me :-)

ethelmaepotter! said…
Come on, don't leave us hanging like this! This is priceless!
Elle Bee said…
Oh gosh, those first two guys were such toads! And the third---a snake???? I can't wait to read more!!
Looking forward to the rest...
Have a great weekend!
Justine said…
Ooh, I hate it when you do this! You just get me sucked in and then BAM! Story over for now!

Justine :o )
Liz Mays said…
What the heck? I can't believe you stopped. Actually, since I'm reading this one day late I get to skip right to the follow-up so never mind my whining.
My handsome price is thousands of miles away in the middle east fighting for our country...he is not only my prince charming, but well, my second chance...Life is full of second chances..
tiki_lady said…
OHHH my! I am so glad I didnt start at the top! I can't wait to read on.

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