Things I've Learned Thursday

There's a great interview on my other blog, On Dandy. Please stop in and read it. She's one awesome, fun, gutsy lady!

On with Things I've Learned Thursday...

1) There should be a 12 step program for dogs. I have one that needs intervention for paw licking. Another one is addicted to ice. The ice dispenser goes off and he comes flying to the fridge.

2)Drug usage can mess up the vocal cords - i.e., Whitney Houston.

3) Blog drama equals lots of hits but trust me, it's not worth it!

4) Neutering a puppy will cause him to have a sudden awareness of one particular body part...his wee wee. He didn't even give it the time of day until after chopping off his goods. Let's just say that there's a wee wee obsession going on.

5) I need to take dream interpretation classes. All night long I dreamed of dirty feet. What does that mean??? (By the way, my feet are totally clean!)

6) I'm totally jazzed about two upcoming magazine interviews that I have with Teena Marie and one of the Biggest Loser ladies.

7) I've been craving cheesecake...does that mean that I'm deficient in cream cheese??

8) Disneyland is no longer the most Happiest Place On Earth. It's now a place for only the rich and famous. If Walt Disney were alive still, he'd probably be willing to take food stamps as an entry fee...just so that every kid could experience Disneyland.

9) Where did the term Aunt Flo come from? Personally, she isn't any relative of mine...because I don't dig on having someone visit me once a month just to make my life miserable.

10) Whoopi Goldberg has written a really cute children's easy reader called Sugar Plum Ballerinas. If you have a little girl, definitely check it out. She's much more polite and not so much of a smart alec as Junie B. Jones (which according to librarians has tainted children across the world into having a lack of respect for authority figures.)

So, what have you learned??? Spill it!!


I learned on this Thrasher Thursday no matter how hard I push the gas peddle on the mower I cannot mow my green acre in less than two hours. Love the read girl. Have a very good evening!!!
Elle Bee said…
I'll have to check out that book for my daughter. I'm so disappointed with so many books out there for her age group--they introduce my daughter to so many attitudes and concepts I just don't think she needs exposure to this early! Thanks for the recommendation.
Deidra said…
As always, another great list. Today I learned that today is Thursday. I went through the whole day thinking today was Wednesday!
Veronica Lee said…
Great list as usual, Simone!!
Heart2Heart said…
I love how you accurately described Disneyland. They say they want to raise prices to keep the bad elements out, but if in this economy there are only the working class poor and the wealthy. I guess Disneyland should be renamed as the Wealthiest Place on Earth.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
ethelmaepotter! said…
I learned I am capable of intense rage, something I have just experienced after almost 53 years on this planet.
I agree that Disneyland prices are geting out of hand. I've never been to DisneyLAND, but DisneyWORLD is my favorite vacation destination, and I have to admit, I think it worth every penny.
zunzun said…
OMG...and now you have to pay through the nose if you want to see both parks...just prohibitedly expensive for most families...unless you want to drop a big portion of a paycheck at their doorsteps. AND you either have to practically chase down the characters and then be admonished for not going to their designated spots or wait a long time for a second to take a hurried picture. OK...I'm off my soapbox now!
zunzun said…
Oh yeah I forgot: I learned that I'm not a very nice person if I don't get to eat and sleep on regular intervals. Ask the girl at McDonalds that messed up my order (granted...they do it about 70% of the time!!!) today...still...I feel bad.
Liz Mays said…
On any given day, are there that many celebrities in Disneyland?
yonca said…
Great list!
Today I learned that 'cooking can be dangerous sometimes if I am talking on the phone ;-)
Have a wonderful evening!
Cinder Rail'lee said…
I love your lists! LOL.. they always bust me up! LOL
I love your lists......heading to your other blog...
The Peach Tart said…
Today I learned that some ladies can be catty and I told them in the words of Mary J. Blige "We don't need no haters".
Buckeroomama said…
Great interview with Dandy! :)

I learned that even though Z did not cry the first 3 days of school does not mean that she won't on the 4th!
Sweet Tea said…
I learned (once again) that I cannot resist donuts when my husband brings them home and leaves them on the cabinet.
Anonymous said…
I learned that no matter how hard I try to resist chocolate...I can't!

Great list!
Unknown said…
#10 who knew...thats cool i will have to check the book out...and your poor lil puppppy awwww
hope you enjoy your weekend
Unknown said…
oh I learned what i already knew...cancer sucks
Anita said…
I've learned my children are truly happy and waiting to go back to school, which will be Tuesday, the 8th. They are in 8th, 6th, and 4th grades. They've always been ready, but this year everyone seems especially happy.
Plant all good seeds about school and good fruit will be produced.
(So different from when I was growing up.)
Lin said…
I've learned that not having Aunt Flo come visit anymore is a wonderful thing! Don't miss the uterus one bit!!

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