Moaning Monday
Some of you are already experiencing Tuesday but for two more hours, it is Monday so I can moan and whine all I want.
Today is one of those days where I can seriously tell myself, I'm too old for this!
This is the recap of the day:
Dirty contact lens taken out to clean, went down the drain
Baby Boo peed in her pants not once, not twice but three times today. Bribing her with Princess Tianna fruit snacks DID NOT work.
Went to Sam's Club praying that I could get fitted for another pair of contacts. Result: Sam Club is closing in my area because they haven't made enough money to remain open. End result: Still wearing dorky thick glasses
Came home to two year old gloating that she "had meat" while I was gone because "Daddy gave it to me". Sidenote...Baby Boo doesn't go nuts over candy or sweets but meat. She can eat meat for days. She could probably eat a whole cow in one sitting. The other day, she ate all of the meat out of a lunchable, begged for mine and then her dad's. When she doesn't get her way she whines, "Pleassssse". So, she waited until I walked out the door and worked her begging magic.
Went to the store with Baby Boo only for her to embarrass me by saying that the kid having a tantrum next to us, needed his mommy to spank him for "him being bad".
Cleaned two gigantic fish that I caught which took me almost two hours...while prying Play Doh out of 10 month old puppy's mouth. (He'll be pooping in colors for a few days.)
Got into debate with above mentioned two year old over her not liking but "loving" Sponge Bob because he's her "best friend".
Got into another debate because two year old doesn't want to go to library school tomorrow because she "doesn't want to be smart". (Her exact words).
I am wrung out. Please don't tell me "this too shall pass" because while it's here, it sure ain't fun!!
Today is one of those days where I can seriously tell myself, I'm too old for this!
This is the recap of the day:
Dirty contact lens taken out to clean, went down the drain
Baby Boo peed in her pants not once, not twice but three times today. Bribing her with Princess Tianna fruit snacks DID NOT work.
Went to Sam's Club praying that I could get fitted for another pair of contacts. Result: Sam Club is closing in my area because they haven't made enough money to remain open. End result: Still wearing dorky thick glasses
Came home to two year old gloating that she "had meat" while I was gone because "Daddy gave it to me". Sidenote...Baby Boo doesn't go nuts over candy or sweets but meat. She can eat meat for days. She could probably eat a whole cow in one sitting. The other day, she ate all of the meat out of a lunchable, begged for mine and then her dad's. When she doesn't get her way she whines, "Pleassssse". So, she waited until I walked out the door and worked her begging magic.
Went to the store with Baby Boo only for her to embarrass me by saying that the kid having a tantrum next to us, needed his mommy to spank him for "him being bad".
Cleaned two gigantic fish that I caught which took me almost two hours...while prying Play Doh out of 10 month old puppy's mouth. (He'll be pooping in colors for a few days.)
Got into debate with above mentioned two year old over her not liking but "loving" Sponge Bob because he's her "best friend".
Got into another debate because two year old doesn't want to go to library school tomorrow because she "doesn't want to be smart". (Her exact words).
I am wrung out. Please don't tell me "this too shall pass" because while it's here, it sure ain't fun!!
Why don't they tell us this before we contemplate having children???!!! There should be CAUTION signs or WARNING tags....
Sorry about the contacts. That has to be a pain. Hope it's resolved soon.
Hang in there.
Hang in there!!
How funny that she likes meat more than candy!!
Hope your day gets better by the time you read this.
To answer your question about mom's dog Halle, her relo to Alaska is permanent. We love her! xoxo
I wish I could tell you it will pass, but unfortunately it won't, it comes back to you in the form of grandchildren. I have 7 grands and another on the way in June, and it seems like when it comes back in this generation it gets worse. The plus side, You get to send these kids home. Yippeee. Hang in there sweetie. One day at a time, one crisis at a time. We do the best that we can at that time, and know that we love our kids, and you just move on. You are doing a great job.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
Hang in there!
(colorful dog poop might be cool)
May this be better and filled with many good blessings!!!
Here is hoping for a better tomorrow!
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Life with a 2 year old (and a play doh eating puppy!) is never an easy road...the whole day would make me want to pee in MY pants!!!! :)