Creative Saturday
Although I didn't have a very creative Saturday since I'm still trying to feel more like myself again, I've had a great opportunity to catch up on some book reading. My goal is to read two books a month and last month, I read 3 and so far, I've finished one and I'm on my way to finishing another. The first book I read in January was:

I give it a 5 book rating. Set in the civil rights movement the story is told with three of the main characters, Skeeter, a budding journalist, who was raised affectionately by a Black maid, Aibileen, a Black maid who raised 17 white children as her own and Minny, a Black maid who often does things her own way and seldom holds back from reacting from off the cuff. In an era where Blacks were treated as unwanted strangers, a secret friendship forms between the three of them, as Skeeter sets out to write the Black maids stories.
It is historical and passionate and real. It was one book that I didn't want to put down until I was finished.
The next book I read was:

I give this novel a 4 book rating.
Mudbound is set on a Mississippi cotton farm after World War II. Henry McAllan has dragged his wife, Laura, and their children to the remote farm. Laura christens it "Mudbound" and struggles with the difficult life that comes with it. Henry's father, Pappy, is bossy, racist, and misogynistic. They are joined by two men coming home from the war, Henry's brother, Jamie, and Ronsel, son of Henry's black tenant farmers. Ronsel is enraged at the treatment of blacks in the Jim Crow south, but he and Jamie became fast friends. Told from the perspective of six different characters, Hillary Jordan's debut novel has won the Bellwether Prize for literature of social responsibility and has received mostly positive reviews. - San Francisco Chronicles
I expected this book to have a similar tone as The Help and unfortunately, it didn't. It just made me feel angry at racial injustices while trying to understand human cruelty and hatred.
My last book read was something lighthearted and reminiscent of my own childhood:

Growing up, the 4 girls similarities in their upbringing yet differences that could possibly tear them apart but through the adversities of growing up, first dates, family secrets, celebrations and monumental occasions, the girls friendship never wavers. I gave this one a 5 book rating because too many times I found myself laughing, nodding my head and relating to so much of each of the main characters feelings and emotions.
Last but not least:

I was excited to find this book at a thrift store. I figured it would be a wonderful way to "bond" with Boo and talk the "football talk". Unfortunately, there was too much side stories and tidbits that didn't pertain to me learning about the game that keeps my Boo enthused. I got lost trying to memorize each of the players and their responsibilities as well as the referees, umpires and hand signals. I decided to dust off another book that I had started, A Girl's Guide to Sport and read that one instead.
I give this book a 2 book rating.
Did you have a Creative Saturday?
Have you read any books that you'd like to recommend?

I give it a 5 book rating. Set in the civil rights movement the story is told with three of the main characters, Skeeter, a budding journalist, who was raised affectionately by a Black maid, Aibileen, a Black maid who raised 17 white children as her own and Minny, a Black maid who often does things her own way and seldom holds back from reacting from off the cuff. In an era where Blacks were treated as unwanted strangers, a secret friendship forms between the three of them, as Skeeter sets out to write the Black maids stories.
It is historical and passionate and real. It was one book that I didn't want to put down until I was finished.
The next book I read was:

I give this novel a 4 book rating.
Mudbound is set on a Mississippi cotton farm after World War II. Henry McAllan has dragged his wife, Laura, and their children to the remote farm. Laura christens it "Mudbound" and struggles with the difficult life that comes with it. Henry's father, Pappy, is bossy, racist, and misogynistic. They are joined by two men coming home from the war, Henry's brother, Jamie, and Ronsel, son of Henry's black tenant farmers. Ronsel is enraged at the treatment of blacks in the Jim Crow south, but he and Jamie became fast friends. Told from the perspective of six different characters, Hillary Jordan's debut novel has won the Bellwether Prize for literature of social responsibility and has received mostly positive reviews. - San Francisco Chronicles
I expected this book to have a similar tone as The Help and unfortunately, it didn't. It just made me feel angry at racial injustices while trying to understand human cruelty and hatred.
My last book read was something lighthearted and reminiscent of my own childhood:

Growing up, the 4 girls similarities in their upbringing yet differences that could possibly tear them apart but through the adversities of growing up, first dates, family secrets, celebrations and monumental occasions, the girls friendship never wavers. I gave this one a 5 book rating because too many times I found myself laughing, nodding my head and relating to so much of each of the main characters feelings and emotions.
Last but not least:

I was excited to find this book at a thrift store. I figured it would be a wonderful way to "bond" with Boo and talk the "football talk". Unfortunately, there was too much side stories and tidbits that didn't pertain to me learning about the game that keeps my Boo enthused. I got lost trying to memorize each of the players and their responsibilities as well as the referees, umpires and hand signals. I decided to dust off another book that I had started, A Girl's Guide to Sport and read that one instead.
I give this book a 2 book rating.
Did you have a Creative Saturday?
Have you read any books that you'd like to recommend?
I watched the snow dump down on top of us. Does that count? ;)
The Help is a book I have been wanting to read for several months now. I pick it up everytime I wander thru B&N. Guess it's time to pick it up & pay for it & bring it home!
I like your goal of 2 books a month, I may have to copycat you.
Have a wonderfully blessed Sunday dear Simone!!!