Have You Ever....

I'm a curious person by nature. Some would say I'm nosy. Personally, I'd say that I'm just plain ol' intrigued by life itself. Being the intrigued woman that I am, I'm curious...

Have you ever...

1) Made something to eat and then after it was done, didn't want it anymore?

2) Read 4 books at one time?

3) Been so tired that even peeing was a chore?

4) Smashed a bug and then felt bad afterwards for smashing it?

5) Eaten gummy worms with a glass of wine?

6) Walked into a room and totally forgot why you went there?

7) Ran into someone and couldn't remember their names yet, they embraced you and were totally excited to talk to you. And...

8) Did you play it off like you knew the person just because you felt too foolish to ask who they were?

9) Said "excuse me" when you sneezed and no one else was in the room?

10) Declined a meal because it resembled dog food and you couldn't fake an appetite to even take one bite?

11) Read the end of a book because it wasn't holding your attention, yet, you wanted to know how the story ended?

12) Complimented someone and didn't really mean it?

13) Given a kid in the grocery store who was acting up "the stare" just to see if he/she would get the hint and knock it off?

14) Spill spaghetti sauce on a library book, try to wipe it clean and then wipe too hard so that there is a hole on the page and yet, return it?

15) Wear shoes that make fart sounds with every step you make but you pretend like you can't hear it?


Buckeroomama said…
Ever since I became a mom, #6 has been happening quite a lot! :)
Veronica Lee said…
Yes to #1, #6, #7,#8,#12(The boss' wife),#15 !!

Happy Monday Simone.
I love the reading more than four books at the same time. My husband laughs at my STACK of books that I'm reading!

Blessings to you.
Ina in Alaska said…
Oh my! YES to so many of those!!! Nice to see you back, Simone!! xoxo
Andrea said…
Hope you are having an awesome day.
Blessings, andrea
Stacy said…
Yes, to most of those. I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one with "farting" shoes. It seems like it when you're walking in them.
Tiffany said…
Lol I have done a few of hings and I'll keep them to myself thank you, lol.

Peace, Love and Chocolate
I have to admit yes to several on your list!

You have a wonderfully blessed week, sweetie!!!
Unknown said…
Yes to oh so many of those! I've not read 4 books at one time, but I'm working on 2 now and plotting to add a 3rd because B&N has that ereader app for my phone and I might just have to try it out!
Deborah Ann said…
Hahaha! That last one made me laugh out loud, dang near fell off my chair!
ethelmaepotter! said…
Not 5, 10, 13, or 14, but yes to all the others!

How do you come up with this stuff?!!!
6,7,8 and 9! I also bless myself when I sneeze, thank myself for blessing myself and tell myself I'm welcome for having said thank you....all out loud.
Shannon K. said…
I've done nearly all of these!
Tonya said…
Okay...I've done about half of these! Lol

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