There are certain words that flash through my mind and I wonder, "Why?" The word that is hitting me is "randomness".
I know that randomness happens mainly when it's least expected...like having the hiccups. (Which I have at the moment.)
I don't realize how often I live for randomness. I need randomness because if my day is completely scheduled and orderly, I need surprise...random surprise.
When my twin sister and I were in kindergarten, we went to a school carnival. There was a cake walk. Of course, it was random, yet, we walked until, the music stopped and my sister's numbered square was called. She was the winner of a cake! Random surprise!
I love it when Boo brings me flowers, or opens the door for me or puts my jacket around my shoulders or pulls me to him in an embrace. I need random. No. I. Crave. Random.
Random keeps life from being boring. So how about it? Do you like randomness?
I know that randomness happens mainly when it's least expected...like having the hiccups. (Which I have at the moment.)
I don't realize how often I live for randomness. I need randomness because if my day is completely scheduled and orderly, I need surprise...random surprise.
When my twin sister and I were in kindergarten, we went to a school carnival. There was a cake walk. Of course, it was random, yet, we walked until, the music stopped and my sister's numbered square was called. She was the winner of a cake! Random surprise!
I love it when Boo brings me flowers, or opens the door for me or puts my jacket around my shoulders or pulls me to him in an embrace. I need random. No. I. Crave. Random.
Random keeps life from being boring. So how about it? Do you like randomness?
I like to think of it as variety. It's necessary...and unavoidable unless you're a hermit living in a cave somewhere.
Ya'll have yourself a wonderful Wednesday!!!
Randomness tests us, forces us to re-think things and act on our feet. It's good to be sharp and have a few unexpecteds in life.
I've decided that if everything were always the same it would be like viewing the world in shades of gray. Thank goodness we have a vibrant world!
I'll be following you...:)
God bless you.
~Rachel~ now the new queen of randomness.
Speaking of cake walks - that's the first thing I ever won!
I'm a creature of habit - I thrive on routine but randomness once in a while is good.
Hi Simone. Did you receive the e-mail I sent you?