Slow to Hear, Quick to Speak

I have an honest admission to make....I don't hear fast enough to understand rap music. I don't like rap music but even when I tried to even understand, I'm still computing the first sentence and the rapper is on to the fourth sentence.

But, I also have another admission. I speak too quickly. I'm one of those people that think ahead so if a person is talking very slowly, I'm already a sentence ahead of what he/she is going to say, and I've already gotten my answer ready to burst out of my mouth.

I'm not proud of this. In fact, I realize that I need to work on being a better listener. I didn't always used to be this way. When I had my girls, I was so keen on hearing their every breaths that I swear I could hear a mosquito sniff. As they got older, I learned to listen to them talk and laugh together and talk on the phone at the same time. I called it my dual listening capabilities. I'm praying that I'm not losing my touch.

I want to be a good listener. I don't want to tune out anyone....even if Boo does repeat some of the same stories over and over again.

Lord, open my ears to hear so that I can reach out with compassion.


Speaking quickly is a skill that should be celebrated ;-) We are GREAT!

Admittedly, I also totally understand the whole:
"if a person is talking very slowly, I'm already a sentence ahead of what he/she is going to say,".

I'm probably even slightly worse in that I try to finish their sentence too. *Gulp*
I could also probably do with some lessons in listening better. :-)
Mari said…
I'm with you. I'm also one of those people coming up with an answer before the person is done speaking. I need to work on my listening too.
There are comparatively few great listeners in this world. We're all in such a hurry, multiplexing, absorbed in some task, impatient, etc.

It really does require continual effort. I try to stop what I'm doing, turn and face the person speaking and ask questions to make sure I'm understanding what they're saying.

Do I always do that?
I'm the same way...bad with patience! That is what supposedly is so good about German language the verb is at the end so you truly have to listen to the whole sentence. But I never learn enough to speak complete sentences.
Liz Mays said…
I have to bite my tongue not to do the same thing!
Unknown said…
Hi again CCD, How are you?
It's been a while but I'm back with a new blog - a little tentitavely as I still have my degree to complete over the next few weeks but I can now see the light at the end of it and feel ready to go out and meet the blog world again!

As for this 'listening thing' - I have to admit to being the same, and get a tad irritated by slow talkers to the point of switching off and thinking about something completely different!

I'll add this to my 'things i need to learn' list then?
Mandy said…
I thought you were a very good listener when we spoke on the phone. :) I do have a habit of sometimes speaking out loud and saying things I didn't necessarily mean to say out loud too. It happens! I love your words of wisdom and think you shouldn't be silenced.
Donna B. said…
Don't like Rap...I think it is the only music I don't care for. I am a good listener, unless I have some comment I need to interject...which appears to be rude. Really, if I don't interject, I will FORGET. I have reached the CRS stage of my life....
Buckeroomama said…
I try to make a conscious effort to say less and listen more. Gargantuan task, considering how much I love to talk!
Veronica Lee said…
I'm with you. What's worse, when the person is taking forever to complete his/her sentence, my thoughts tend to drift someway else and this gives the person whom I'm talking to the impression that I'm not paying attention to what he/she is saying.

I'm working on this too.
Anita said…
Rap music - not my taste either.

Listening - I'm fairly good at it - have to remind myself though.
And I have to remind myself to stay on topic too. I can go from subject to subject, rapid fire.
Suz said…
I am also apparently a slow listener as Rap music excapes me all together. Maybe there is a geriatric Rap for people who were not brought up with so much stimulation and can't process as quickly as younger people!! HA

I am also guilty of planning what I am going to say next while someone is talking. I have to watch myself closely.
Elle Bee said…
I have so many flaws and things I need God to help me with, it's not even funny. I thank you for your honesty and you've inspired me to pray for help with those things.
Tiffany said…
Yeah I have my moments with this too. I had a friend who was listening to a song and the guy says, " low can you go..." she thought he was saying, "...I love pink and gold...", it was too funny.

Peace, Love and Chocolate
Shannon K. said…
I "hear" ya! I find that I often am that way. Already preparing my thought before the other person is finshed with theirs.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Hi Simone-- We hear alike! But I usually found this to be more true when I was in business meetings with a room full of men. Women usually can go from A to Z faster then men who have to go through the entire process before they can agree with a what a woman already said ;-)

Hope you have a great week.
I'm with ya sister! I tend to jump in instead of quietly listening. I've gotta work on that!

God bless you and have an incredible day sweetie!!!
Unknown said…
This has totally been on my mind lately too! I am not a good listener at all. Thank you for reminding me.

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