Slow to Hear, Quick to Speak
I have an honest admission to make....I don't hear fast enough to understand rap music. I don't like rap music but even when I tried to even understand, I'm still computing the first sentence and the rapper is on to the fourth sentence.
But, I also have another admission. I speak too quickly. I'm one of those people that think ahead so if a person is talking very slowly, I'm already a sentence ahead of what he/she is going to say, and I've already gotten my answer ready to burst out of my mouth.
I'm not proud of this. In fact, I realize that I need to work on being a better listener. I didn't always used to be this way. When I had my girls, I was so keen on hearing their every breaths that I swear I could hear a mosquito sniff. As they got older, I learned to listen to them talk and laugh together and talk on the phone at the same time. I called it my dual listening capabilities. I'm praying that I'm not losing my touch.
I want to be a good listener. I don't want to tune out anyone....even if Boo does repeat some of the same stories over and over again.
Lord, open my ears to hear so that I can reach out with compassion.
But, I also have another admission. I speak too quickly. I'm one of those people that think ahead so if a person is talking very slowly, I'm already a sentence ahead of what he/she is going to say, and I've already gotten my answer ready to burst out of my mouth.
I'm not proud of this. In fact, I realize that I need to work on being a better listener. I didn't always used to be this way. When I had my girls, I was so keen on hearing their every breaths that I swear I could hear a mosquito sniff. As they got older, I learned to listen to them talk and laugh together and talk on the phone at the same time. I called it my dual listening capabilities. I'm praying that I'm not losing my touch.
I want to be a good listener. I don't want to tune out anyone....even if Boo does repeat some of the same stories over and over again.
Lord, open my ears to hear so that I can reach out with compassion.
Admittedly, I also totally understand the whole:
"if a person is talking very slowly, I'm already a sentence ahead of what he/she is going to say,".
I'm probably even slightly worse in that I try to finish their sentence too. *Gulp*
I could also probably do with some lessons in listening better. :-)
It really does require continual effort. I try to stop what I'm doing, turn and face the person speaking and ask questions to make sure I'm understanding what they're saying.
Do I always do that?
It's been a while but I'm back with a new blog - a little tentitavely as I still have my degree to complete over the next few weeks but I can now see the light at the end of it and feel ready to go out and meet the blog world again!
As for this 'listening thing' - I have to admit to being the same, and get a tad irritated by slow talkers to the point of switching off and thinking about something completely different!
I'll add this to my 'things i need to learn' list then?
I'm working on this too.
Listening - I'm fairly good at it - have to remind myself though.
And I have to remind myself to stay on topic too. I can go from subject to subject, rapid fire.
I am also guilty of planning what I am going to say next while someone is talking. I have to watch myself closely.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Hope you have a great week.
God bless you and have an incredible day sweetie!!!