Have You Ever...

1) Laughed so hard that tears ran down your face and the only way you could get yourself together was to think of something sad? i.e, "Think of the poor people."

2) Bought something that looked so good in the store and then got it home and it tasted like toes?

3) Went out and spent money to save a fish that was sick only for it to die right after you came home?

4) Held your breath when someone sneezed in the same path that you were walking in?

5) Given a kid the "evil eye" when he/she was acting up in the store?

6) Went to an animal shelter just to look and then you left feeling overwhelmed with sadness because you couldn't take them all home with you?

7) Wrote a whole story outline in your head while you lay in bed and then woke up the next day only to forget it completely?

8) Played a song over and over again just because it reminded you of a moment in time that you needed to revisit once again?

9) Wondered why your heart would go pitter pat, watching Felix the Cat?

10) Craved a breakfast cereal that you always wanted as a kid but your mom never bought for you?

11) Bought a box of cereal just for the prize? (Do they still give prizes in a box of cereal?)

12) Stared at a spot so long, it feels like your eyes are stuck?

13) Created something and decide over halfway through that you just don't like it?

14) Wondered if someone thinks of you as much as you think of them?

15) Felt courageous enough to do something that is totally out of character and you're proud that you did?

Have you ever???


Buckeroomama said…
#1 - YES.. and peed on myself (!). Oops, TMI, but THAT distracted me enough, but then I laughed some more! :)

#4 - YES. I actually still do that!
Mari said…
Yes I have! I think I can answer yes to each one. :)
Brian Miller said…
i take it that it did not taste like toes fresh out of a bublle bath...
MizFit said…

I have that coming up on friday and am already fraught with the proverbial dread.
Stacy said…
Tasted like toes? Do I dare ask what it was? Oh, just...ewwww.
Anonymous said…
Yes to almost all of those. Especially 14.

Just saw the Pity Party post too. What a great idea.

I hope you're doing well. I think of you often! Sending hugs.
yes to actually a hole lot of them!!lol
Unknown said…
#s 6, 7, and 14 totally resonate with me...le sigh.
Deborah Ann said…
Girl, did you come up with this list all by yourself? It's hilarious! Yes, yes and yes. Especially buying the cereal for the prize. Lol...
Veronica Lee said…
#3 - We chose a sick guinea pig from the pet shop with the hope that we'd nurse it back to health but it died on us the following day.

#8 - Yep, Air Supply's "Cant't Let Go"

#14 - Yep

Great thoughts as always, Simone!!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Absolutely yes! In fact I think I've done ever one of those at least once (or 600 times!)
Sorry about your fish.
xo jj
Kat_RN said…
Yes, pretty much to all of them. Leave it to Brian to come up with something silly about the toes, I came to you from his blog and I enjoyed the visit.
Anonymous said…
You did a fantastic job of listing everything that we all have in common, but think that we're the only ones doing it.
Relyn Lawson said…
You always ALWAYS make me roar with laughter. Tasted like toes?? ICK!! And, no I really have never held my breath when someone else sneezed. But, I bet I will now...
I can say yes too almost all of them. LOL
Anonymous said…
the precious ideas u provided do help the research for our group, appreaciate that.

- Lucas
Liz Mays said…
I know exactly what you're talking about with the walking into a sneeze path! I hold my breath for coughers too!

I crave a lot of stuff my mom would never buy for me as a child!
Mike said…
I think that I have experienced just about every one of them, well maybe not the Felix the cat one!
Lin said…
Fish. Ugh, fish. I can't fix 'em. Usually by the time they show symptoms, it's too late. Hate fish.

We laughed until we cried this summer at the CYSO (Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra). They had a guest maraca soloist and I nearly peed my pants watching the dude go NUTS on a solo. It. Was. MARACAS! Do people really solo on those things???

Rope candy at the ballpark. Looks so cool, but it tastes like rope. Really. Not that I would know what rope tastes like--I'm just guessing.
Anonymous said…
I would like to exchange links with your site chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
XmasDolly said…
Thanks for stopping by, and leaving your good wishes. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday to find out what to do about it. You're a sweet friend. Stop by, and see our Monday's Music Moves Me if you get time.

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