Things I've Learned Thursday

1) Mmmmmm....pear apples are GOOD!!

2) This is the epitome of true love...

3) I've been saying the word, "espresso" wrong for all of my life. I won't even tell you how I've been pronouncing it.

4) The day that I step in dog poop is also the day that I get locked out of my house. Disasters come in twos and threes.

5) Items returned from Target can be found at my local Goodwill Store. Thank you God for a brand new dinette set in just the color we wanted, for $75.00!!

6) Meeting a blogger face to face equals having a new face to face friend. I had the joy of meeting Kris from Shelter From The Storm for breakfast this past week. I immediately felt at ease meeting her. We chatted freely and then went to the thrift store and talked books and browsed. Looking forward to another chance to get together.

7) Oatmeal is becoming the new "gotta have" breakfast choice. Even Mickey D's is getting in on it. Time to start making my gourmet oatmeal once again.

8) Monday can't come fast enough. I'm going to have both of my girls here with me. Married Boo is flying here to spend 5 days with us. I'm so excited but already not wanting to say goodbye. Isn't that silly? She hasn't even gotten here but I'm dreading having to say goodbye?

9) I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!!!

10) You can pack just about anything in a small car as long as you have tie downs.

What have you learned?


Mari said…
What are pear apples? I've nver heard of them.
I love that picture - so cute!
Hooray for that deal from Goodwill!
Well, dag~nab~it! My comment disappeared faster than a magicians rabbit!!!

Here I go again......

Ahhh, puppy love, there's just nothin' like it!!

Isn't it grand to find your hearts desire at rock bottom bargain prices??? :o)

I have learned the joy I feel when I look at my grown children and burst my buttons with pride!!!

Ya'll have a beautifully blessed weekend sweetie!!!
Brian Miller said…
ha. cute pic...and espresso...wondering how you said
Mandy said…
I keep saying that I need to eat more oatmeal. You're motivating me to get back into it. I need to find a great recipe for it too.

Sorry about the dog poop and getting locked out!

Hooray for your two boo's being together with you! What a great gift!

Happy Thanksgiving my friend!

Anita said…
Now I have to look up espresso and see if I'm making the same mistake. :)

So you and MissyKrissy got together. I'd told her that I wished I could be a part of the get-together. Who knows? Maybe I'll land in Oregon some day. :)

I'm so happy for you. Good things are happening. Having your family all together soon has got to be the reason!
Joanna Jenkins said…
BOTH your girls in the same place at the same time?!? YAHOO!!!! I'm thrilled for you Simone. So glad life is treating you good.
xo jj
Buckeroomama said…
The kids' godfather is here for a visit and he's a photographer. I've learned more about aperture and ISO and shutter speed than what I've learned reading online tutorials all this time!
Lin said…
I knew about oatmeal. I eat it every single day--with craisins and Silk on top. YUM! Finally!! McDonald's has a healthy option for breakfast! I dread to think what they are gonna put on it.
Kirby said…
I havent heard of pear apples before either but they sound good! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
MissKris said…
I enjoyed our time together so much, too, Simone! And I can only imagine how exciting it will be to have family here for the holiday. I hope your daughter has a safe trip and that the three of you have a wonderful time together. Lots of 'girly' time just hanging out together and having fun. Enjoy!!!
Unknown said…
I noticed that Starbucks even offers oatmeal. Yum!
Jill said…
How wonderful you were able to meet and spend time with a fellow blogger. :-)That is a great deal from Good will! My husband and I found my 6 piece kitchen set with a corner cabinet for $100.00 at a yard sale, then for $50.00 sold the corner cabinet to a family that wanted it. :-) i love finding good deals! The picture is so cute!!! Have a great time with your family. Enjoy your week.
Deidra said…
You gotta tell us how you used to say espresso. We'll still love you!
Veronica Lee said…
#8 - I'm so happy for you, Simone! Great list as always!
Unknown said…
I wanna know more about some things on this list--the pear apples for sure. And how you were pronouncing espresso (i am not a coffee person, maybe I'm saying it wrong, too!?)..and those doggies? OMG!

Have fun w/ your family & Happy Thanksgiving!

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