On Being...A Pastor's Wife
I'm honored to say the least, to have the pleasure of interviewing Deidra from jumpingtandem.com . After reading her blog for more than two years and getting a chance to meet her and her sweet husband, H, I can without a doubt call her a sister friend. 1) You're a wife, mom and so much more. In your always honest way of expressing yourself...who is Deidra? I am a dancer, an ocean seeker, a book reader, a writer. I miss the mark every day. I am overwhelmed by grace and thrilled that God keeps loving me in spite of me. 2) How long have you been married to H? How did you meet and was it love at first sight? Do you believe in love at first sight? Harry and I will celebrate our 25 th wedding anniversary in August. I always tell him that he should put being married to me on his resume as an acquired skill. We met at a Commodores concert. It’s a fun story and I wrote about it on my blog . Neither one of us wanted to go to that concert, but we each had a friend who begg...