There's Something In the Air
Today was a day that I could definitely bypass and be quite relieved. This was the day that Mooshu, the puppy, pooped on the fireplace hearth for the billionth time and right in front of J (no shame), ate crayons, coffee filters and tore up a box of soap (praying that the soap isn't in his stomach). The hilariousness of it all is that he is now at my feet, snoring. I guess being naughty is exhausting! I have discovered that when I am feeling stressed (which has been quite often lately), the best place for me to be is alone. When I'm alone, I talk to God, myself and even dogs and birds that I walk past throughout my day. Yesterday, after really struggling with the messy house syndrome, I went upstairs to the bedroom to scream, cry, and let it all out. Instead, I walked into the bathroom for a kleenex to wipe the tears from my eyes and I saw a ladybug crawling on the floor. I picked it up and started talking to it. I gently put it on the bonsai tree (that I'm praying won...