Wedding canceled....until further notice

I wish I could say that this was a joke but it isn't. This time, it isn't me that has the jitters, it's Boo. We talked yesterday, off and on, through my tears and that was the conclusion that has been drawn. Until further notice...there will not be a wedding. Until the timing is right....there will not be a wedding.

Wish I would've had further notice to see all of this coming. But I didn't. I don't understand completely and I've asked him to help me to understand. As much as he's tried, my heart still remains broken.

Yes, he wants to marry me but after having my broken in a billion pieces, I need to take some time to breathe and seek God's wisdom in all of this. I know of no other way to hang on.

He realizes that he stands a chance in losing me. I won't wait until he finally discovers that what he has been waiting for has been here all along.

I love him but as the song says, "Love hurts". The pain will dissipate eventually but in the meantime, all I can do is breathe through it all.


Leslie said…
I'm so sorry to hear this. Try to remain strong and focused on yourself right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hyla said…
Keep breathing. What will be will be.

Im am, sorry the wedding is off for now. This will either make your relationship stronger or break it.

I hope for the stronger.

The Peach Tart said…
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry to hear this. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason that sometimes we can't understand when we're in the midst of it.

Take extra special care of yourself right now and surround yourself with people who love you.

Big hugs and let me know if you need someone to talk to.
Saranne said…
No words of wisdom here, but know that "this too shall pass: - even though it doesn't feel like it right now. Breathe in.....breathe out....
I'm sending love, hugs and prayers your way.
Kati Aileen said…
I'm so sorry. Keep your head up and be strong. Things will be ok no matter what the outcome. {{Hugs}}
Hi, just found your blog but couldn't leave without saying how sorry I am that you are hurting. I can relate so much, my own hubby called off our first wedding a month before our big day because we were having so much trouble with his kids.

I did some serious soul searching and made the difficult decision to wait to see if things would get better.

They did, we got married when I was 44 (about a year after our cancelled wedding date) and 10 months later had the surprise of our lives when our daughter was born.

I guess what I really want to say is, take your time making any decisions, keep breathing and know that you are not alone.

My heart goes out to you,
Mariah said…
Oh no. I'm sorry. This must be heartbreaking for you.

Wait for the right time, you wouldn't want to find out later that the timing wasn't right. Right?

Hang in there girl...there has to be a reason and only time will tell. I hope you guys can figure it all out and it will make you stronger or allow you the peace to move on. ((HUGS))
Jeanette said…
My heart breaks for you. Please be good to yourself. Stay hydrated. Once the initial shock is past, you can process, but for now...just be. Blessing and hugs to you friend.
Anonymous said…
I'm new to your blog, I'm so sorry your in my pryaers
Sweetie, my heart goes out to you. I know all the phrases in the world won't heal your heart right now. Just trust in God and if it is meant to be it WILL happen in His timing.

You will be in my prayers, here's sending you bountiful blessings......
Veronica Lee said…
Oh Simone, I really don't know what to say. This must be heartbreaking for you.

Just hang in there, sister.

((hugs and prayers))
You're doing the right thing....just hand it all over to God. The answers will come, in HIS time, not ours.
Keep the faith Sweetie~
Mandy said…
I will keep you both in my thoughts. Hugs and hang in there in the mean time.
ethelmaepotter! said…
Oh, honey, my heart just absolutely sank when I read this title. But, you know, you're a strong woman; we read of your strength in every post, including this one. You WILL get through this, and, if it's meant to be, you and Boo will set that wedding date anew.
Pour your heart out to us, sweetie. Need to do a man-bashing post? Do it! Do whatever it takes. We're all here for you.
Lin said…
Oh, Simone--I'm speechless. My heart aches for you and I want to say that maybe this is for the best, but I know that it just hurts too bad right now--we can be profound later.

Hang in there, pally. I'm sending you love and encouragement. email me if you need a friend--I'm here for you....any time.
Anita said…
I am very sorry Simone.

I sit here trying to think of comforting words, wise words, but I have none.

A minute or two has passed, as I still sit here, thinking about how life can be so difficult sometimes.

A poster with a bird on it that my mom gave me years ago said something like this: Free it, let it go. If it comes back to you, it is meant to be.
oh my soul. I have goosebumps. prayers for you and your heart... warm hugs from me and all my little ones
Vegas Linda Lou said…
Oh, my dear Chocolate Covered girlfriend... Trust that all is well; every event unfolds exactly as it should. Sometimes it's hard for us to understand why something's happening, but over time the reason becomes clear. Believe, and know you are so loved.
Ina in Alaska said…
Oh so sorry to hear this! My jaw dropped when I saw the title of your blog. So sorry for your pain. But the "timing" may never be "right". Whatever. This is a big red flashing sign for you to pay strong attention to.

No matter. You are strong and you have love in your life. Hang on. We are here. xoxoxo
Sherry said…
Simone I am shocked but obviously nowhere near as shocked as you.

I know you are hurting and I wish I could be there to give you this hug. Just know how much I care

((((((((love you))))))) ♥
Kwana said…
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this. Hang in there and know you have love and support around you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know you will my triumphant at the end of this. With love and blessings.
Heart2Heart said…

Hopefully during this time, both of you will realize if this wedding is truly meant to be than it will happen. Better to know now than once you have already said your I do's! Trust in God, lean on His understanding and He will heal your heart.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat
Buckeroomama said…
I'm so sorry to hear this, Simone.
Breathe... and do keep the faith, no matter how hard it might seem to do so at this moment.

{{A big hug}}

- S.
Liz Mays said…
I am so sorry for your pain. My heart aches for you. Big hugs, Simone.
zunzun said…
Hang in there...if things get better you guys will be all the stronger for having worked through it and if they don't then at least you are finding out now...either way...stay strong, feel the pain and cry it out (I would) but stay strong...hugs.
Lion-ess said…
This is very heart breaking to hear and I could only imagine what you are going through.
You shared with us your excitement and nerves in taking the big step or remarrying and we, your readers, family and friends, will be there for you. Thanks for sharing such a heart breaking peace and I know God will continue t be your comfort and strength.

Continue to seek him for guidance. Remember that weeping may endureth for the night but joy cometh in the morning.

He has brought you along and he will not leave you nor forsake you.

Sending you lots of hugs and kisses!
Oh honey, I'm so very sorry about this! We women all understand heartbreak, don't we?

You may not appreciate it at the moment, but eventually you will be able to see that things happen in God's perfect time, not ours.

You're literally in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
I am so very sorry. My heart aches for you. Sending you strength and hugs. I hope it all works out the way it was meant to.
Suz said…
I am so sorry. A marriage needs more than love to survive. It needs committment and fortitude.

Keep your mind open as well as your heart.

I am praying for you that you will find peace however God directs this chapter of your life.
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry to read this. I know you're really hurting.

I'll keep you in my prayers.
I am so sorry Simone! I will be praying for the both of you, and for god to mend your broken hart..
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